ID: cond-mat/9804297

Optimal Strategies for Prudent Investors

April 28, 1998

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Investments in Random Environments

September 23, 2007

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Emeterio Navarro, Ruben Cantero, ... , Schweitzer Frank
Portfolio Management
Physics and Society

We present analytical investigations of a multiplicative stochastic process that models a simple investor dynamics in a random environment. The dynamics of the investor's budget, $x(t)$, depends on the stochasticity of the return on investment, $r(t)$, for which different model assumptions are discussed. The fat-tail distribution of the budget is investigated and compared with theoretical predictions. Weare mainly interested in the most probable value $x_mp$ of the budget tha...

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Investing for the Long Run

May 10, 2017

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Dietmar Leisen, Eckhard Platen
Portfolio Management

This paper studies long term investing by an investor that maximizes either expected utility from terminal wealth or from consumption. We introduce the concepts of a generalized stochastic discount factor (SDF) and of the minimum price to attain target payouts. The paper finds that the dynamics of the SDF needs to be captured and not the entire market dynamics, which simplifies significantly practical implementations of optimal portfolio strategies. We pay particular attentio...

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A Mathematical Analysis of Technical Analysis

October 25, 2017

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Matthew Lorig, Zhou Zhou, Bin Zou
Mathematical Finance

In this paper, we investigate trading strategies based on exponential moving averages (ExpMAs) of an underlying risky asset. We study both logarithmic utility maximization and long-term growth rate maximization problems and find closed-form solutions when the drift of the underlying is modeled by either an Ornstein-Uhlenbeck process or a two-state continuous-time Markov chain. For the case of an Ornstein-Uhlenbeck drift, we carry out several Monte Carlo experiments in order t...

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Minimizing the Probability of Lifetime Exponential Parisian Ruin

April 26, 2021

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Xiaoqing Liang, Virginia R. Young
Optimization and Control

We find the optimal investment strategy in a Black-Scholes market to minimize the probability of so-called {\it lifetime exponential Parisian ruin}, that is, the probability that wealth exhibits an excursion below zero of an exponentially distributed time before the individual dies. We find that leveraging the risky asset is worse for negative wealth when minimizing the probability of lifetime exponential Parisian ruin than when minimizing the probability of lifetime ruin. Mo...

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Robust maximization of asymptotic growth

May 19, 2010

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Constantinos Kardaras, Scott Robertson
Portfolio Management

This paper addresses the question of how to invest in a robust growth-optimal way in a market where the instantaneous expected return of the underlying process is unknown. The optimal investment strategy is identified using a generalized version of the principal eigenfunction for an elliptic second-order differential operator, which depends on the covariance structure of the underlying process used for investing. The robust growth-optimal strategy can also be seen as a limit,...

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Retirement Wealth under Fixed Limits: The Optimal Strategy for Exponential Utility

December 1, 2017

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Lena Schutte
Portfolio Management

For an exponential utility maximizing investment strategy in a Black-Scholes Setting, fixed upper and lower constraints are introduced on the terminal wealth. This is equivalent to combining the optimal strategy with options. The resulting distribution is investigated in terms of change of quantiles. The theory is illustrated with quantitative examples, including an assessment of the effects of restricting the strategy to positive investments.

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A Portfolio Choice Problem Under Risk Capacity Constraint

May 28, 2020

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Weidong Tian, Zimu Zhu
Portfolio Management

This paper studies an optimal investing problem for a retiree facing longevity risk and living standard risk. We formulate the investing problem as a portfolio choice problem under a time-varying risk capacity constraint. We derive the optimal investment strategy under the specific condition on model parameters in terms of second-order ordinary differential equations. We demonstrate an endogenous number that measures the expected value to sustain the spending post-retirement....

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Liquidation of an indivisible asset with independent investment

December 10, 2013

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Emilie Fabre, Guillaume Royer, Nizar Touzi
Portfolio Management
Optimization and Control

We provide an extension of the explicit solution of a mixed optimal stopping-optimal stochastic control problem introduced by Henderson and Hobson. The problem examines wether the optimal investment problem on a local martingale financial market is affected by the optimal liquidation of an independent indivisible asset. The indivisible asset process is defined by a homogeneous scalar stochastic differential equation, and the investor's preferences are defined by a general exp...

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Optimal investment with time-varying stochastic endowments

June 24, 2014

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Christoph Belak, An Chen, ... , Stelzer Robert
Portfolio Management

This paper considers a utility maximization and optimal asset allocation problem in the presence of a stochastic endowment that cannot be fully hedged through trading in the financial market. After studying continuity properties of the value function for general utility functions, we rely on the dynamic programming approach to solve the optimization problem for power utility investors including the empirically relevant and mathematically challenging case of relative risk aver...

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A Note on Optimal Liquidation with Linear Price Impact

February 21, 2024

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Yan Dolinsky, Doron Greenstein
Computational Finance

In this note we consider the maximization of the expected terminal wealth for the setup of quadratic transaction costs. First, we provide a very simple probabilistic solution to the problem. Although the problem was largely studied, as far as we know up to date this simple and probabilistic form of the solution has not appeared in the literature. Next, we apply the general result for the study of the case where the risky asset is given by a fractional Brownian Motion and the ...

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