ID: cond-mat/9901272

Does Good Mutation Help You Live Longer?

January 25, 1999

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Similar papers 2

An In Silico Model to Simulate the Evolution of Biological Aging

February 1, 2016

82% Match
Arian Šajina, Dario Riccardo Valenzano
Populations and Evolution

Biological aging is characterized by an age-dependent increase in the probability of death and by a decrease in the reproductive capacity. Individual age-dependent rates of survival and reproduction have a strong impact on population dynamics, and the genetic elements determining survival and reproduction are under different selective forces throughout an organism lifespan. Here we develop a highly versatile numerical model of genome evolution --- both asexual and sexual --- ...

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An Unusual Antagonistic Pleiotropy in the Penna Model for Biological Ageing

February 21, 2001

82% Match
A. O. Sousa, Oliveira S. Moss de
Statistical Mechanics

We combine the Penna Model for biological aging, which is based on the mutation-accumulation theory, with a sort of antagonistic pleiotropy. We show that depending on how the pleiotropy is introduced, it is possible to reproduce both the humans mortality, which increases exponentially with age, and fruitfly mortality, which decelerates at old ages, allowing the appearance of arbitrarily old Methuselah's.

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Aging as a mean to retain an adaptive mutation rate in mutagenesis with asymmetric reproduction

February 3, 2014

82% Match
Norbert Michael Mayer
Populations and Evolution

The paper discusses a connection between asymmetric reproduction -- that is reproduction in a parent-child relationship where the parent does not mutate during reproduction --, the fact that all non-viral lifeforms bear genes of their reproduction machinery and how this could relate to evolutionary mechanisms behind aging. In a highly simplified model of the evolution process rules are derived under which aging is an important factor of the adaption in the evolution process a...

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The speed of evolution in large asexual populations

October 1, 2009

82% Match
Su-Chan Park, Damien Simon, Joachim Krug
Populations and Evolution
Statistical Mechanics

We consider an asexual biological population of constant size $N$ evolving in discrete time under the influence of selection and mutation. Beneficial mutations appear at rate $U$ and their selective effects $s$ are drawn from a distribution $g(s)$. After introducing the required models and concepts of mathematical population genetics, we review different approaches to computing the speed of logarithmic fitness increase as a function of $N$, $U$ and $g(s)$. We present an exact...

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A generalized model of mutation-selection balance with applications to aging

March 1, 2004

81% Match
David Steinsaltz, Steven N. Evans, Kenneth W. Wachter
Populations and Evolution

A probability model is presented for the dynamics of mutation-selection balance in a haploid infinite-population infinite-sites setting sufficiently general to cover mutation-driven changes in full age-specific demographic schedules. The model accommodates epistatic as well as additive selective costs. Closed form characterizations are obtained for solutions in finite time, along with proofs of convergence to stationary distributions and a proof of the uniqueness of solutions...

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Justification of Sexual Reproduction by Modified Penna Model of Ageing

February 9, 2001

81% Match
J. S. Sá Martins, D. Stauffer
Statistical Mechanics

We generalize the standard Penna bit-string model of biological ageing by assuming that each deleterious mutation diminishes the survival probability in every time interval by a small percentage. This effect is added to the usual lethal but age-dependent effect of the same mutation. We then find strong advantages or disadvantages of sexual reproduction (with males and females) compared to asexual cloning, depending on parameters.

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Rank Statistics in Biological Evolution

August 18, 2005

81% Match
E. Ben-Naim, P. L. Krapivsky
Populations and Evolution
Statistical Mechanics

We present a statistical analysis of biological evolution processes. Specifically, we study the stochastic replication-mutation-death model where the population of a species may grow or shrink by birth or death, respectively, and additionally, mutations lead to the creation of new species. We rank the various species by the chronological order by which they originate. The average population N_k of the kth species decays algebraically with rank, N_k ~ M^{mu} k^{-mu}, where M i...

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Solvable senescence model with positive mutations

November 1, 2004

81% Match
J. B. Coe, Y. Mao, M. E. Cates
Populations and Evolution

We build upon our previous analytical results for the Penna model of senescence to include positive mutations. We investigate whether a small but non-zero positive mutation rate gives qualitatively different results to the traditional Penna model in which no positive mutations are considered. We find that the high-lifespan tail of the distribution is radically changed in structure, but that there is not much effect on the bulk of the population. Th e mortality plateau that we...

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Sequential mutations in exponentially growing populations

August 3, 2022

81% Match
Michael D. Nicholson, David Cheek, Tibor Antal
Populations and Evolution

Stochastic models of sequential mutation acquisition are widely used to quantify cancer and bacterial evolution. Across manifold scenarios, recurrent research questions are: how many cells are there with $n$ alterations, and how long will it take for these cells to appear. For exponentially growing populations, these questions have been tackled only in special cases so far. Here, within a multitype branching process framework, we consider a general mutational path where mutat...

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Age-dependent Branching Processes and Applications to the Luria-Delbr\"uck Experiment

August 22, 2016

81% Match
Stephen Montgomery-Smith, Hesam Oveys
Populations and Evolution

Microbial populations adapt to their environment by acquiring advantageous mutations, but in the early twentieth century, questions about how these organisms acquire mutations arose. The experiment of Salvador Luria and Max Delbr\"uck that won them a Nobel Prize in 1969 confirmed that mutations don't occur out of necessity, but instead can occur many generations before there is a selective advantage, and thus organisms follow Darwinian evolution instead of Lamarckian. Since t...

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