May 25, 2000
Similar papers 2
April 18, 1995
We present a new quantization scheme for $2D$ gravity coupled to an $SU(2)$ principal chiral field and a dilaton; this model represents a slightly simplified version of stationary axisymmetric quantum gravity. The analysis makes use of the separation of variables found in our previous work [1] and is based on a two-time hamiltonian approach. The quantum constraints are shown to reduce to a pair of compatible first order equations, with the dilaton playing the role of a ``cloc...
November 19, 2012
The present paper is a short review of different path integral representations of the partition function of quantum spin systems. To begin with, I consider coherent states for SU(2) algebra. Different parameterizations of the coherent states lead to different path integral representations. They all are unified within an U(1) gauge theory of quantum spin systems.
May 12, 1994
The lattice model of principal chiral field interacting with the gauge fields, which have no kinetic term, is considered. This model can be regarded as a strong coupling limit of lattice gauge theory at finite temperature. The complete set of equations for collective field variables is derived in the large N limit and the phase structure of the model is studied.
March 17, 1994
We present the exact and explicit solution of the principal chiral field in two dimensions for an infinitely large rank group manifold. The energy of the ground state is explicitly found for the external Noether's fields of an arbitrary magnitude. The exact Gell-Mann - Low function exhibits the asymptotic freedom behaviour at large value of the field in agreement with perturbative calculations. Coefficients of the perturbative expansion in the renormalized charge are calculat...
January 20, 2024
The SU($N$) principal chiral model is asymptotically free and integrable in $1+1$ dimensions. In the large-$N$ limit, there is no scattering, but correlation functions are {\em not} those of a free field theory. We briefly review the derivation of form factors for local operators. Two-point functions for such operators are known exactly. The two-point function of scaling-field operators has the short-distance behavior expected from the renormalization group. We briefly discus...
June 4, 2004
In this Letter we propose two path integral approaches to describe the classical mechanics of spinning particles. We show how these formulations can be derived from the associated quantum ones via a sort of geometrical dequantization procedure proposed in a previous paper.
November 16, 2001
We consider the quantum theory of a two-form gauge field on a space-time which is a direct product of time and a spatial manifold, taken to be a compact five-manifold with no torsion in its cohomology. We show that the Hilbert space of this non-chiral theory is a certain subspace of a tensor product of two spaces, that are naturally interpreted as the Hilbert spaces of a chiral and anti-chiral two-form theory respectively. We also study the observable operators in the non-chi...
May 27, 1995
Many two-dimensional classical field theories have hidden symmetries that form an infinite-dimensional algebra. For those examples that correspond to effective descriptions of compactified superstring theories, the duality group is expected to be a large discrete subgroup of the hidden symmetry group. With this motivation, we explore the hidden symmetries of principal chiral models and symmetric space models.
May 29, 1998
We study the Principal Chiral Ginzburg-Landau-Wilson model around two dimensions within the Local Potential Approximation of an Exact Renormalization Group equation. This model, relevant for the long distance physics of classical frustrated spin systems, exhibits a fixed point of the same universality class that the corresponding Non-Linear Sigma model. This allows to shed light on the long-standing discrepancy between the different perturbative approaches of frustrated spin ...
March 20, 2017
The lambda model is a one parameter deformation of the principal chiral model that arises when regularizing the non-compactness of a non-abelian T dual in string theory. It is a current-current deformation of a WZW model that is known to be integrable at the classical and quantum level. The standard techniques of the quantum inverse scattering method cannot be applied because the Poisson bracket is non ultra-local. Inspired by an approach of Faddeev and Reshetikhin, we show t...