February 9, 1993
Similar papers 2
May 16, 1996
We show that the baryon asymmetry produced by the out of equilibrium decay of heavy $GUT$ scalars can be the baryon asymmetry that is observed today. No restrictions need be imposed on the initial values of $B$, $L$ and $B-L$, nor on the neutrino masses; no new symmetries need be gauged nor new fermions introduced. We find two mechanisms that can bring this about for any $GUT$ gauge group. Two illustrative models are discussed that are robust, and need just two (at most four)...
January 12, 2012
The observational relation between the density of baryon and dark matter in the Universe, $\Omega_{\rm DM}/\Omega_B\simeq 5$, is one of the most difficult problems to solve in modern cosmology. We discuss a scenario that explains this relation by combining the asymmetric dark matter scenario and the spontaneous baryogenesis associated with the flat direction in the supersymmetric standard model. A part of baryon asymmetry is transferred to charge asymmetry $D$ that dark matte...
September 5, 2013
We explore here a new mechanism by which the out of equilibrium decay of heavy gravitinos, followed by possible R-parity violating decays in the Minimal Supersymmetric Standard Model (MSSM) can generate the baryon asymmetry of the universe. In this mechanism, gravitino decay produces a CP-asymmetry that is carried by squarks or sleptons. These particles then decay through R-parity violating operators generating a lepton asymmetry. The lepton asymmetry is converted into a bary...
July 17, 2000
Due to sphaleron processes in the high-temperature symmetric phase of the standard model the cosmological baryon asymmetry is related to neutrino properties. For hierarchical neutrino masses, with $B-L$ broken at the unification scale $\Lambda_{GUT}\sim 10^{16} $GeV, the observed baryon asymmetry $n_B/s \sim 10^{-10}$ can be naturally explained by the decay of heavy Majorana neutrinos. We illustrate this mechanism with two models of neutrino masses, consistent with the solar ...
June 5, 1992
We propose a new mechanism for late cosmological baryon asymmetry in models with first order electroweak phase transition. Lepton asymmetry arises through the decay of particles produced out of equilbrium in bubble collisions and is converted into baryon asymmetry by sphalerons. Supersymmetric models with explicitly broken R-parity may provide a suiatble framework for the implementation of this mechanism.
September 29, 1999
Recent results of neutrino oscillation experiments point to a nonvanishing neutrino mass. Neutrino mass models favour Majorana-type neutrinos. In such circumstances it is natural that the supersymmetric counterpart of the neutrino, the sneutrino, bears also lepton number violating properties. On the other hand, the fact that the universe exhibits an asymmetry in the baryon and antibaryon numbers poses constraints on the extent of lepton number violation in the light sneutrino...
March 9, 1994
One of the most efficient mechanisms for producing the baryon asymmetry of the Universe is the decay of scalar condensates in a SUSY GUT as was first suggested by Affleck and Dine. We show that given a large enough asymmetry, the baryon number will be preserved down to low temperatures even if B - L = 0, because the baryon number carrying scalars form bose condensates that give the W a mass. We derive the conditions on the condensate needed to suppress electroweak sphaleron i...
November 26, 1996
In the following work we consider the possibility of explaining the observed baryon number asymmetry in the universe from simple baryon number violating modifications, involving massive scalar bosons, to the Standard Model. In these cases baryon number violation is mediated through a combination of Yukawa and scalar self-coupling interactions. Starting with a previously compiled catalogue of baryon-number violating extensions of the Standard Model, we identify the minimal sub...
December 19, 2005
Motivated by our earlier paper \cite{am}, we discuss how the infamous gravitino problem has a natural built in solution within supersymmetry. Supersymmetry allows a large number of flat directions made up of {\it gauge invariant} combinations of squarks and sleptons. Out of many at least {\it one} generically obtains a large vacuum expectation value during inflation. Gauge bosons and Gauginos then obtain large masses by virtue of the Higgs mechanism. This makes the rate of th...
March 15, 1995
I show that a cosmological baryon asymmetry generated at the GUT scale is in general safe against washout due to sphalerons and generic $B$- or $L$-violating effects. This result is mainly due to the (almost) conserved number of right-handed electrons at high temperatures $T \gsim {\cal O}(10) $ TeV, but also the mass corrections, in particular the thermal masses of leptons act as the protector of the primordial baryon asymmetry.