January 23, 2004
Similar papers 2
March 29, 1995
This article reviews the status of several solutions to all the constraints of quantum gravity that have been proposed in terms of loops and extended loops. We discuss pitfalls of several of the results and in particular discuss the issues of covariance and regularization of the constraints in terms of extended loops. We also propose a formalism for ``thickened out loops'' which does not face the covariance problems of extended loops and may allow to regularize expressions in...
April 11, 2000
This is a brief overview on the current status of string theory for non-specialists. The purpose is to give an aspect on the nature of string theory as a unified theory of all interactions including quantum gravity and to discuss future perspectives. Particular emphases are put on the mysteries why string theory contains gravity and why it resolves the ultraviolet problems.
April 5, 2004
The goal of this article is to present an introduction to loop quantum gravity -a background independent, non-perturbative approach to the problem of unification of general relativity and quantum physics, based on a quantum theory of geometry. Our presentation is pedagogical. Thus, in addition to providing a bird's eye view of the present status of the subject, the article should also serve as a vehicle to enter the field and explore it in detail. To aid non-experts, very lit...
October 27, 1997
At the present time, string theory (and its generalizations) remain relatively abstruse subjects to the particle phenomenologist and experimentalist. Yet, striking developments of the last two years offer hope that a fundamental non-perturbative formulation of this theory will be found, and that this formulation will permit us to make contact with supersymmetric standard-model physics. This article is based on a talk which attempted to convey the essence of these recent devel...
December 10, 2002
The status of string theory is reviewed, and major recent developments - especially those in going beyond perturbation theory in the string theory and quantum field theory frameworks - are discussed. This analysis helps better understand the role and place of string theory in the modern picture of the physical world. Even though quantum field theory describes a wide range of experimental phenomena, it is emphasized that there are some insurmountable problems inherent in it - ...
March 1, 1994
We review the application of the loop representation to gauge theories and general relativity. The emphasis lies on exhibiting the loop calculus techniques, and their application to the canonical quantization. We discuss the role that knot theory and loop coordinates play in the determination of nondegenerate quantum states of the gravitational field.
April 18, 2007
The article gives an account of several aspects of the space known as the Bohr compactification of the line, featuring as the quantum configuration space in loop quantum cosmology, as well as of the corresponding configuration space realization of the so-called polymer representation. Analogies with loop quantum gravity are explored, providing an introduction to (part of) the mathematical structure of loop quantum gravity, in a technically simpler context.
March 24, 2004
Physicists in search of the foundation of the world: how tiny objects can create matter, energy and even space and time - and possibly countless other universes. -- This article is meant as an introduction into quantum geometry (loop quantum gravity) and string theory, written for the general audience. Partly, this article is also a conference report and review, based on the "Strings Meet Loops" conference at the Max-Planck-Institute for Gravitational Physics (Albert Einstein...
August 8, 1997
The paper is devoted to a description of quantum group structures in the geometric quantization of a self-interacting string field, which appear under a transition from a tree-level of the theory to the account of loop effects in nonperturbative quantum field theory of strings.
September 8, 1995
String theory provides the only consistent framework so far that unifies all interactions including gravity. We discuss gravity and cosmology in string theory. Conventional notions from general relativity like geometry, topology etc. are well defined only as low energy approximations in string theory. At small distances physics deviates from the field theoretic intuition. We present several examples of purely stringy phenomena which imply that the physics at strong curvatures...