ID: hep-th/0501132

The Information Problem in Black Hole Evaporation: Old and Recent Results

January 18, 2005

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Jorge G. Russo
High Energy Physics - Theory
General Relativity and Quant...

The formation and evaporation of a black hole can be viewed as a scattering process in Quantum Gravity. Semiclassical arguments indicate that the process should be non-unitary, and that all the information of the original quantum state forming the black hole should be lost after the black hole has completely evaporated, except for its mass, charge and angular momentum. This would imply a violation of basic principles of quantum mechanics. We review some proposed resolutions to the problem, including developments in string theory and a recent proposal by Hawking. We also suggest a novel approach which makes use of some ingredients of earlier proposals. [Based on Talks given at ERE2004 "Beyond General Relativity", Miraflores de la Sierra, Madrid (Sept 2004), and at CERN (Oct 2004)].

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