March 19, 2005
We propose a duality between quiver gauge theories and the combinatorics of dimer models. The connection is via toric diagrams together with multiplicities associated to points in the diagram (which count multiplicities of fields in the linear sigma model construction of the toric space). These multiplicities may be computed from both sides and are found to agree in all known examples. The dimer models provide new insights into the quiver gauge theories: for example they provide a closed formula for the multiplicities of arbitrary orbifolds of a toric space, and allow a new algorithmic method for exploring the phase structure of the quiver gauge theory.
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January 10, 2006
Recently, a new way of deriving the moduli space of quiver gauge theories that arise on the world-volume of D3-branes probing singular toric Calabi-Yau cones was conjectured. According to the proposal, the gauge group, matter content and tree-level superpotential of the gauge theory is encoded in a periodic tiling, the dimer graph. The conjecture provides a simple procedure for determining the moduli space of the gauge theory in terms of perfect matchings. For gauge theorie...
April 11, 2008
The connection between quiver gauge theories and dimer models has been well studied. It is known that the matter fields of the quiver gauge theories can be represented using the perfect matchings of the corresponding dimer model.We conjecture that a subset of perfect matchings associated with an internal point in the toric diagram is sufficient to give information about the charge matrix of the quiver gauge theory. Further, we perform explicit computations on some aspects of ...
November 29, 2005
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May 15, 2002
This paper serves to elucidate the nature of toric duality dubbed in hep-th/0003085 in the construction for world volume theories of D-branes probing arbitrary toric singularities. This duality will be seen to be due to certain permutation symmetries of multiplicities in the gauged linear sigma model fields. To this symmetry we shall refer as ``multiplicity symmetry.'' We present beautiful combinatorial properties of these multiplicities and rederive all known cases of torica...
May 9, 2011
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July 16, 2019
We apply dimer diagram techniques to uncover discrete global symmetries in the fields theories on D3-branes at singularities given by general orbifolds of general toric Calabi-Yau threefold singularities. The discrete symmetries are discrete Heisenberg groups, with two $\mathbf{Z}_N$ generators $A$, $B$ with commutation $AB=CBA$, with $C$ a central element. This fully generalizes earlier observations in particular orbifolds of $\mathbf{C}^3$, the conifold and $Y_{p,q}$. The s...