ID: math/0107229

On the largest eigenvalue of a sparse random subgraph of the hypercube

July 31, 2001

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Alexander Soshnikov
Mathematical Physics

We consider a sparse random subraph of the $n$-cube where each edge appears independently with small probability $p(n) =O(n^{-1+o(1)})$. In the most interesting regime when $p(n)$ is not exponentially small we prove that the largest eigenvalue of the graph is asymtotically equal to the square root of the maximum degree.

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On the Largest Eigenvalue of a Random Subgraph of the Hypercube

September 14, 2002

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Alexander Soshnikov, Benny Sudakov

Let G be a random subgraph of the n-cube where each edge appears randomly and independently with probability p. We prove that the largest eigenvalue of the adjacency matrix of G is almost surely \lambda_1(G)= (1+o(1)) max(\Delta^{1/2}(G),np), where \Delta(G) is the maximum degree of G and o(1) term tends to zero as max (\Delta^{1/2}(G), np) tends to infinity.

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THe largest eigenvalue of sparse random graphs

June 10, 2001

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Michael Krivelevich, Benny Sudakov

We prove that for all values of the edge probability p(n) the largest eigenvalue of a random graph G(n,p) satisfies almost surely: \lambda_1(G)=(1+o(1))max{\sqrt{\Delta},np}, where \Delta is a maximal degree of G, and the o(1) term tends to zero as max{\sqrt{\Delta},np} tends to infinity.

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Large components in random induced subgraphs of n-cubes

April 22, 2007

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Christian M. Reidys

In this paper we study random induced subgraphs of the binary $n$-cube, $Q_2^n$. This random graph is obtained by selecting each $Q_2^n$-vertex with independent probability $\lambda_n$. Using a novel construction of subcomponents we study the largest component for $\lambda_n=\frac{1+\chi_n}{n}$, where $\epsilon\ge \chi_n\ge n^{-{1/3}+ \delta}$, $\delta>0$. We prove that there exists a.s. a unique largest component $C_n^{(1)}$. We furthermore show that $\chi_n=\epsilon$, $| C_...

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Upper Tails for Edge Eigenvalues of Random Graphs

November 19, 2018

89% Match
Bhaswar B. Bhattacharya, Shirshendu Ganguly

The upper tail problem for the largest eigenvalue of the Erd\H{o}s--R\'enyi random graph $\mathcal{G}_{n,p}$ is to estimate the probability that the largest eigenvalue of the adjacency matrix of $\mathcal{G}_{n,p}$ exceeds its typical value by a factor of $1+\delta$. In this note we show that for $\delta >0$ fixed, and $p \rightarrow 0$ such that $n^{\frac{1}{2}} p \rightarrow \infty$, the upper tail probability for the largest eigenvalue of $\mathcal{G}_{n,p}$ is $$\exp\left...

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Eigenvalues of subgraphs of the cube

May 20, 2016

89% Match
Béla Bollobás, Jonathan Lee, Shoham Letzter

We consider the problem of maximising the largest eigenvalue of subgraphs of the hypercube $Q_d$ of a given order. We believe that in most cases, Hamming balls are maximisers, and our results support this belief. We show that the Hamming balls of radius $o(d)$ have largest eigenvalue that is within $1 + o(1)$ of the maximum value. We also prove that Hamming balls with fixed radius maximise the largest eigenvalue exactly, rather than asymptotically, when $d$ is sufficiently la...

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Eigenvectors of random matrices: A survey

January 14, 2016

89% Match
Sean O'Rourke, Van Vu, Ke Wang

Eigenvectors of large matrices (and graphs) play an essential role in combinatorics and theoretical computer science. The goal of this survey is to provide an up-to-date account on properties of eigenvectors when the matrix (or graph) is random.

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Spectral Edge in Sparse Random Graphs: Upper and Lower Tail Large Deviations

April 1, 2020

89% Match
Bhaswar B. Bhattacharya, Sohom Bhattacharya, Shirshendu Ganguly
Discrete Mathematics
Mathematical Physics

In this paper we consider the problem of estimating the joint upper and lower tail large deviations of the edge eigenvalues of an Erd\H{o}s-R\'enyi random graph $\mathcal{G}_{n,p}$, in the regime of $p$ where the edge of the spectrum is no longer governed by global observables, such as the number of edges, but rather by localized statistics, such as high degree vertices. Going beyond the recent developments in mean-field approximations of related problems, this paper provides...

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Random subgraphs of finite graphs: III. The phase transition for the $n$-cube

January 8, 2004

89% Match
Christian Borgs, Jennifer T. Chayes, der Hofstad Remco van, ... , Spencer Joel

We study random subgraphs of the $n$-cube $\{0,1\}^n$, where nearest-neighbor edges are occupied with probability $p$. Let $p_c(n)$ be the value of $p$ for which the expected cluster size of a fixed vertex attains the value $\lambda 2^{n/3}$, where $\lambda$ is a small positive constant. Let $\epsilon=n(p-p_c(n))$. In two previous papers, we showed that the largest cluster inside a scaling window given by $|\epsilon|=\Theta(2^{-n/3})$ is of size $\Theta(2^{2n/3})$, below this...

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The emergence of a giant component in random subgraphs of pseudo-random graphs

May 21, 2016

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Alan Frieze, Michael Krivelevich, Ryan R. Martin

Let $G$ be a $d$-regular graph $G$ on $n$ vertices. Suppose that the adjacency matrix of $G$ is such that the eigenvalue $\lambda$ which is second largest in absolute value satisfies $\lambda=o(d)$. Let $G_p$ with $p=\frac{\alpha}{d}$ be obtained from $G$ by including each edge of $G$ independently with probability $p$. We show that if $\alpha<1$ then whp the maximum component size of $G_p$ is $O(\log n)$ and if $\alpha>1$ then $G_p$ contains a unique giant component of size ...

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Sparse random graphs: Eigenvalues and Eigenvectors

November 30, 2010

88% Match
Linh Tran, Van Vu, Ke Wang

In this paper we prove the semi-circular law for the eigenvalues of regular random graph $G_{n,d}$ in the case $d\rightarrow \infty$, complementing a previous result of McKay for fixed $d$. We also obtain a upper bound on the infinity norm of eigenvectors of Erd\H{o}s-R\'enyi random graph $G(n,p)$, answering a question raised by Dekel-Lee-Linial.

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