November 8, 2003
Similar papers 2
June 19, 2024
In the random $r$-neighbour bootstrap percolation process on a graph $G$, a set of initially infected vertices is chosen at random by retaining each vertex of $G$ independently with probability $p\in (0,1)$, and "healthy" vertices get infected in subsequent rounds if they have at least $r$ infected neighbours. A graph $G$ \emph{percolates} if every vertex becomes eventually infected. A central problem in this process is to determine the critical probability $p_c(G,r)$, at whi...
March 19, 2024
We investigate the behaviour of $r$-neighbourhood bootstrap percolation on the binomial $k$-uniform random hypergraph $H_k(n,p)$ for given integers $k\geq 2$ and $r\geq 2$. In $r$-neighbourhood bootstrap percolation, infection spreads through the hypergraph, starting from a set of initially infected vertices, and in each subsequent step of the process every vertex with at least $r$ infected neighbours becomes infected. For our analysis the set of initially infected vertices i...
February 18, 2014
Bootstrap percolation is a cellular automaton modelling the spread of an `infection' on a graph. In this note, we prove a family of lower bounds on the critical probability for $r$-neighbour bootstrap percolation on Galton--Watson trees in terms of moments of the offspring distributions. With this result we confirm a conjecture of Bollob\'as, Gunderson, Holmgren, Janson and Przykucki. We also show that these bounds are best possible up to positive constants not depending on t...
January 24, 2022
Motivated by the bootstrap percolation process for graphs, we define a new, high-order generalisation to $k$-uniform hypergraphs, in which we infect $j$-sets of vertices for some integer $1\le j \le k-1$. We investigate the smallest possible size of an initially infected set which ultimately percolates and determine the exact size in almost all cases of $k$ and $j$.
April 14, 2012
In $r$-neighbor bootstrap percolation on the vertex set of a graph $G$, a set $A$ of initially infected vertices spreads by infecting, at each time step, all uninfected vertices with at least $r$ previously infected neighbors. When the elements of $A$ are chosen independently with some probability $p$, it is natural to study the critical probability $p_c(G,r)$ at which it becomes likely that all of $V(G)$ will eventually become infected. Improving a result of Balogh, Bollob\'...
April 25, 2009
We examine bootstrap percolation on a regular (b+1)-ary tree with initial law given by Bernoulli(p). The sites are updated according to the usual rule: a vacant site becomes occupied if it has at least theta occupied neighbors, occupied sites remain occupied forever. It is known that, when b>theta>1, the limiting density q=q(p) of occupied sites exhibits a jump at some p_t=p_t(b,theta) in (0,1) from q_t:=q(p_t)<1 to q(p)=1 when p>p_t. We investigate the metastable behavior as...
February 13, 2007
In majority bootstrap percolation on a graph G, an infection spreads according to the following deterministic rule: if at least half of the neighbours of a vertex v are already infected, then v is also infected, and infected vertices remain infected forever. Percolation occurs if eventually every vertex is infected. The elements of the set of initially infected vertices, A \subset V(G), are normally chosen independently at random, each with probability p, say. This process ...
April 24, 2017
We investigate bootstrap percolation with infection threshold $r> 1$ on the binomial $k$-uniform random hypergraph $H_k(n,p)$ in the regime $n^{-1}\ll n^{k-2}p \ll n^{-1/r}$, when the initial set of infected vertices is chosen uniformly at random from all sets of given size. We establish a threshold such that if there are less vertices in the initial set of infected vertices, then whp only a few additional vertices become infected, while if the initial set of infected vertice...
August 31, 2007
In dynamical percolation, the status of every bond is refreshed according to an independent Poisson clock. For graphs which do not percolate at criticality, the dynamical sensitivity of this property was analyzed extensively in the last decade. Here we focus on graphs which percolate at criticality, and investigate the dynamical sensitivity of the infinite cluster. We first give two examples of bounded degree graphs, one which percolates for all times at criticality and one w...
December 2, 2015
Bootstrap percolation is an often used model to study the spread of diseases, rumors, and information on sparse random graphs. The percolation process demonstrates a critical value such that the graph is either almost completely affected or almost completely unaffected based on the initial seed being larger or smaller than the critical value. To analyze intervention strategies we provide the first analytic determination of the critical value for basic bootstrap percolation ...