November 21, 2003
Similar papers 2
April 30, 2011
In this paper, we review the representation theory of the infinite symmetric group, and we extend the works of Kerov and Vershik by proving that the irreducible characters of the infinite symmetric group always satisfy a central limit theorem. Hence, for any point of the Thoma simplex, the corresponding measures on the levels of the Young graph have a property of gaussian concentration. By using the Robinson-Schensted-Knuth algorithm and the theory of Pitman operators, we rel...
October 4, 2011
Spherical representations and functions are the building blocks for harmonic analysis on riemannian symmetric spaces. In this paper we consider spherical functions and spherical representations related to certain infinite dimensional symmetric spaces $G_\infty/K_\infty = \varinjlim G_n/K_n$. We use the representation theoretic construction $\phi (x) = <e, \pi(x)e>$ where $e$ is a $K_\infty$--fixed unit vector for $\pi$. Specifically, we look at representations $\pi_\infty = \...
August 31, 2013
After a quick review of the representation theory of the symmetric group, we give an exposition of the tools brought about by the so-called half-infinite wedge representation of the infinite symmetric group. We show how these can be applied to find the limit shapes of several distributions on partitions. We also briefly review the variational methods available to compute these limit shapes.
August 19, 2004
These informal notes concern some basic themes of harmonic analysis related to representations of groups.
April 28, 2009
This article (written in Polish) is aimed for a wide mathematical audience. It is intended as an introductory text concerning problems of the asymptotic theory of symmetric groups.
March 11, 1998
We classify all irreducible admissible representations of three Olshanski pairs connected to the infinite symmetric group. In particular, our methods yield two simple proofs of the classical Thoma's description of the characters of the infinite symmetric group. Also, we discuss a certain operation called mixture of representations which provides a uniform construction of all irreducible admissible representations.
May 13, 2014
In this note the smooth (i.e. with open stabilizers) linear and {\sl semilinear} representations of certain permutation groups (such as infinite symmetric group or automorphism group of an infinite-dimensional vector space over a finite field) are studied. Many results here are well-known to the experts, at least in the case of {\sl linear representations} of symmetric group. The presented results suggest, in particular, that an analogue of Hilbert's Theorem 90 should hold: i...
April 10, 2009
The paper deals with the z-measures on partitions with the deformation (Jack) parameters 2 or 1/2. We provide a detailed explanation of the representation-theoretic origin of these measures, and of their role in the harmonic analysis on the infinite symmetric group.
February 22, 2011
We give a complete list of indecomposable characters of the infinite symmetric semigroup. In comparison with the analogous list for the infinite symmetric group, one should introduce only one new parameter, which has a clear combinatorial meaning. The paper relies on the representation theory of the finite symmetric semigroups and the representation theory of the infinite symmetric group.
October 11, 2015
Lecture notes in Russian. Topics: the Haar measure (abstract theorems and explicit descriptions for different groups), measures on infinite-dimensional spaces with large natural groups of symmetries (Gaussian measures, Poisson measures, virtual permutations, inverse limits of unitary groups), zoo of examples of topological groups, generalities for large (infinite-dimensional) groups, polymorphisms.