ID: math/0401434

Fine polar invariants of minimal singularities of surface

January 30, 2004

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Symmetric Determinantal Singularities II: Equisingularity and SEIDS

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Discriminant of a generic projection of a minimal normal surface singularity

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Limits of nodal surfaces and applications

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Let $\mathcal X\to\mathbb D$ be a flat family of projective complex 3-folds over a disc $\mathbb D$ with smooth total space $\mathcal X$ and smooth general fibre $\mathcal X_t,$ and whose special fiber $\mathcal X_0$ has double normal crossing singularities, in particular, $\mathcal X_0=A\cup B$, with $A$, $B$ smooth threefolds intersecting transversally along a smooth surface $R=A\cap B.$ In this paper we first study the limit singularities of a $\delta$--nodal surface in th...

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Local polar invariants for plane singular foliations

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In this survey paper, we take the viewpoint of polar invariants to the local and global study of non-dicritical holomorphic foliations in dimension two and their invariant curves. It appears a characterization of second type foliations and generalized curve foliations as well as a description of the GSV-index in terms of polar curves. We also interpret the proofs concerning the Poincar\'e problem with polar invariants.

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On the equi-normalizable deformations of singularities of complex plane curves

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Equisingularity classes of birational projections of normal singularities to a plane

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Commutative Algebra

Given a birational normal extension S of a two-dimensional local regular ring R, we describe all the equisingularity types of the complete ideals J in R whose blowing-up has some point at which the local ring is analytically isomorphic to S. The problem of classifying the germs of such normal surface singularities was already posed by Spivakovsky (Ann. of Math. 1990). This problem has two parts: discrete and continous. The continous part is to some extent equivalent to the ...

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We undertake a systematic study of Lipschitz Normally Embedded normal complex surface germs. We prove in particular that the topological type of such a germ determines the combinatorics of its minimal resolution which factors through the blowup of its maximal ideal and through its Nash transform, as well as the polar curve and the discriminant curve of a generic plane projection, thus generalizing results of Spivakovsky and Bondil that were known for minimal surface singulari...

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