September 15, 2023
The goal of this annotated bibliography is to record every publication on the topic of comparative prime number theory together with a summary of its results. We use a unified system of notation for the quantities being studied and for the hypotheses under which results are obtained. We encourage feedback on this manuscript (see the end of Section~1 for details).
October 12, 2010
We summarize the major results in number theory of the last decade.
August 1, 2019
We give an historical account, including recent progress, on some problems of Erd\H os in number theory.
December 13, 2004
This is an expanded version of a write-up of a talk given in the fall of 2000 in Oberwolfach. A large part of it is intended to be understandable by non-number theorists with a mathematical background. The talk covered some of the history, results and ideas connected with Artin's celebrated primitive root conjecture dating from 1927. In the update several new results established after 2000 are also discussed.
September 15, 2017
We introduce a new framework called linear algebraic number theory (LANT) that reformulates the number-theoretic problem as a regression model and solves it using matrix algebra. This framework restricts all computations to log space, therefore replaces multiplication with addition and allows to capture variation in the natural numbers from variation in the prime numbers. This automatically puts prime numbers to their designated place of atomic particles of natural numbers an...
January 14, 2019
We continue investigations on the average number of representations of a large positive integer as a sum of given powers of prime numbers. The average is taken over a short interval, whose admissible length depends on whether or not we assume the Riemann Hypothesis.
May 23, 2020
We present a detailed proof of the prime number theorem suitable for a typical undergraduate- or graduate-level complex analysis course. Our presentation is particularly useful for any instructor who seeks to use the prime number theorem for a series of capstone lectures, a scaffold for a series of guided exercises, or as a framework for an inquiry-based course. We require almost no knowledge of number theory, for our aim is to make a complete proof of the prime number theore...
August 18, 2011
Recently, additive combinatorics has blossomed into a vibrant area in mathematical sciences. But it seems to be a difficult area to define - perhaps because of a blend of ideas and techniques from several seemingly unrelated contexts which are used there. One might say that additive combinatorics is a branch of mathematics concerning the study of combinatorial properties of algebraic objects, for instance, Abelian groups, rings, or fields. This emerging field has seen tremend...
August 28, 2018
While the prime numbers have been subject to mathematical inquiry since the ancient Greeks, the accumulated effort of understanding these numbers has - as Marcus du Sautoy recently phrased it - 'not revealed the origins of what makes the primes tick.' Here, we suggest that a resolution to this long-standing conundrum is attainable by defining the primes prior to the natural numbers - as opposed to the standard number theoretical definition of primes where these numbers derive...
April 3, 2014
We survey some of the ideas behind the recent developments in additive number theory, combinatorics and ergodic theory leading to the proof of Hardy- Littlewood type estimates for the number of prime solutions to systems of linear equations of finite complexity.