ID: math/0512625

Some numerical results in complex differential geometry

December 28, 2005

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S. K. Donaldson
Differential Geometry
Numerical Analysis

The first part of this paper discusses general procedures for finding numerical approximations to distinguished Kahler metrics, such as Calabi-Yau metrics, on complex projective manifolds. These procedures are closely related to ideas from Geometric Invariant Theory, and to the asymptotics of high powers of positive line bundles. In the core of the paper these ideas are illustrated by detailed numerical results for a particular K3 surface.

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Numerical Ricci-flat metrics on K3

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Degenerations of Calabi-Yau metrics

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Geodesics on a K3 Surface near the Orbifold Limit

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A detailed description of the generalized Calabi type Kahler surfaces

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Differential Geometry

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Numerical Calabi-Yau metrics

December 11, 2006

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Michael R. Douglas, Robert L. Karp, ... , Reinbacher Rene
High Energy Physics - Theory

We develop numerical methods for approximating Ricci flat metrics on Calabi-Yau hypersurfaces in projective spaces. Our approach is based on finding balanced metrics, and builds on recent theoretical work by Donaldson. We illustrate our methods in detail for a one parameter family of quintics. We also suggest several ways to extend our results.

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Kahler-Einstein metrics on Fano manifolds, I: approximation of metrics with cone singularities

November 19, 2012

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Xiu-Xiong Chen, Simon Donaldson, Song Sun
Differential Geometry
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Calabi-Yau metrics on Kummer surfaces as a model glueing problem

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86% Match
simon Donaldson
Differential Geometry

This is an expository paper which aims to give a simple proof of the existence of Ricci-flat metrics on certain K3 surfaces, as an illustration of general "glueing" techniques.

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Constant scalar curvature Kahler metrics on fibred complex surfaces

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Differential Geometry

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Kahler-Einstein metrics and algebraic geometry

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Differential Geometry

This is a survey article, based on the author's lectures in the 2015 Current developments in Mathematics meeting; published in "Current developments in Mathematics". Version 2, references corrected and added.

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Complete Calabi-Yau metrics from Kahler metrics in D=4

April 23, 2010

85% Match
Mauricio Leston, Osvaldo P. Santillan
Differential Geometry

In the present work the local form of certain Calabi-Yau metrics possessing a local Hamiltonian Killing vector is described in terms of a single non linear equation. The main assumptions are that the complex $(3,0)$-form is of the form $e^{ik}\widetilde{\Psi}$, where $\widetilde{\Psi}$ is preserved by the Killing vector, and that the space of the orbits of the Killing vector is, for fixed value of the momentum map coordinate, a complex 4-manifold, in such a way that the compl...

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