ID: math/0611589

High Dimensional Statistical Inference and Random Matrices

November 19, 2006

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Iain M. Johnstone
Statistics Theory
Statistics Theory

Multivariate statistical analysis is concerned with observations on several variables which are thought to possess some degree of inter-dependence. Driven by problems in genetics and the social sciences, it first flowered in the earlier half of the last century. Subsequently, random matrix theory (RMT) developed, initially within physics, and more recently widely in mathematics. While some of the central objects of study in RMT are identical to those of multivariate statistics, statistical theory was slow to exploit the connection. However, with vast data collection ever more common, data sets now often have as many or more variables than the number of individuals observed. In such contexts, the techniques and results of RMT have much to offer multivariate statistics. The paper reviews some of the progress to date.

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Regularization in High-Dimensional Regression and Classification via Random Matrix Theory

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Statistics Theory

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Testing independence with high-dimensional correlated samples

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Statistics Theory
Statistics Theory

Testing independence among a number of (ultra) high-dimensional random samples is a fundamental and challenging problem. By arranging $n$ identically distributed $p$-dimensional random vectors into a $p \times n$ data matrix, we investigate the problem of testing independence among columns under the matrix-variate normal modeling of data. We propose a computationally simple and tuning-free test statistic, characterize its limiting null distribution, analyze the statistical po...

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