ID: math/9707221

Combinatorial Representation Theory

July 11, 1997

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Representation theory and projective geometry

March 25, 2002

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J. M. Landsberg, L. Manivel
Algebraic Geometry
Differential Geometry
Representation Theory

We give an elementary introduction to our papers relating the geometry of rational homogeneous varieties to representation theory. We also describe related work and recent progress.

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Geometric Methods in Representation Theory

February 18, 2004

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W. Schmid
Representation Theory
Algebraic Geometry

These are notes from the mini-course given by W. Schmid in June 2003 in the Brussels PQR2003 Euroschool.

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Representations of finite groups

December 4, 2006

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Ruslan Sharipov
History and Overview
Group Theory

This book is an introduction to a fast developing branch of mathematics - the theory of representations of groups. It presents classical results of this theory concerning finite groups.

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Representation Theory of Finite Groups

January 4, 2010

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Anupam Singh
Representation Theory
Group Theory

The point of view of these notes on the topic is to bring out the flavour that Representation Theory is an extension of the first course on Group Theory. We also emphasize the importance of the base field. These notes cover completely the theory over complex numbers which is Character Theory. A large number of worked-out examples are the main feature of these notes. The prerequisite for this note is basic group theory and linear algebra.

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Complexity problems in enumerative combinatorics

March 18, 2018

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Igor Pak
Computational Complexity
Discrete Mathematics
History and Overview

We give a broad survey of recent results in Enumerative Combinatorics and their complexity aspects.

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Representations and characters of finite groups

October 24, 2021

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D. O. Revin, A. V. Zavarnitsine
Group Theory

This text is an extended version of the lecture notes for a course on representation theory of finite groups that was given by the authors during several years for graduate and postgraduate students of Novosibirsk State University and Sobolev Institute of Mathematics.

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Semi-infinite combinatorics in representation theory

May 5, 2015

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Martina Lanini
Representation Theory

In this work we discuss some appearances of semi-infinite combinatorics in representation theory. We propose a semi-infinite moment graph theory and we motivate it by considering the (not yet rigorously defined) geometric side of the story. We show that it is possible to compute stalks of the local intersection cohomology of the semi-infinite flag variety, and hence of spaces of quasi maps, by performing an algorithm due to Braden and MacPherson.

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Tres lecciones en combinatoria algebraica. II. Las funciones sim\'etricas y la teor\'{\i}a de representaciones

January 17, 2013

87% Match
Federico Ardila, Emerson Leon, ... , Skandera Mark

En esta serie de tres articulos, damos una exposicion de varios resultados y problemas abiertos en tres areas de la combinatoria algebraica y geometrica: las matrices totalmente no negativas, las representaciones del grupo simetrico, y los arreglos de hiperplanos. Esta segunda parte trata la coneccion entre las funciones simetricas y la teoria de representaciones. In this series of three articles, we give an exposition of various results and open problems in three areas of ...

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Combinatorial solutions to integrable hierarchies

December 22, 2015

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M. Kazarian, S. Lando

We give a review of modern approaches to constructing formal solutions to integrable hierarchies of mathematical physics, whose coefficients are answers to various enumerative problems. The relationship between these approaches and combinatorics of symmetric groups and their representations is explained. Applications of the results to constructing efficient computations in problems related to models of quantum field theories are given.

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Combinatorial representations

September 6, 2011

87% Match
Peter J. Cameron, Maximilien Gadouleau, Søren Riis

This paper introduces combinatorial representations, which generalise the notion of linear representations of matroids. We show that any family of subsets of the same cardinality has a combinatorial representation via matrices. We then prove that any graph is representable over all alphabets of size larger than some number depending on the graph. We also provide a characterisation of families representable over a given alphabet. Then, we associate a rank function and a rank o...

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