December 8, 1998
Similar papers 2
January 31, 2017
It is an open question whether the fractional parts of nonlinear polynomials at integers have the same fine-scale statistics as a Poisson point process. Most results towards an affirmative answer have so far been restricted to almost sure convergence in the space of polynomials of a given degree. We will here provide explicit Diophantine conditions on the coefficients of polynomials of degree 2, under which the convergence of an averaged pair correlation density can be establ...
June 27, 2013
Elkies and McMullen [Duke Math.J.~123 (2004) 95--139] have shown that the gaps between the fractional parts of \sqrt n for n=1,\ldots,N, have a limit distribution as N tends to infinity. The limit distribution is non-standard and differs distinctly from the exponential distribution expected for independent, uniformly distributed random variables on the unit interval. We complement this result by proving that the two-point correlation function of the above sequence converges t...
January 13, 2011
It is shown that short-range correlations between large prime numbers (~10^5 and larger) have a Poissonian nature. Correlation length \zeta = 4.5 for the primes ~10^5 and it is increasing logarithmically according to the prime number theorem. For moderate prime numbers (~10^4) the Poissonian distribution is not applicable while the correlation length surprisingly continues to follow to the logarithmical law. A chaotic (deterministic) hypothesis has been suggested to explain t...
September 17, 2020
The pair correlation is a localized statistic for sequences in the unit interval. Pseudo-random behavior with respect to this statistic is called Poissonian behavior. The metric theory of pair correlations of sequences of the form $(a_n \alpha)_{n \geq 1}$ has been pioneered by Rudnick, Sarnak and Zaharescu. Here $\alpha$ is a real parameter, and $(a_n)_{n \geq 1}$ is an integer sequence, often of arithmetic origin. Recently, a general framework was developed which gives crit...
February 17, 2015
In this paper we study the distribution of squares modulo a square-free number $q$. We also look at inverse questions for the large sieve in the distribution aspect and we make improvements on existing results on the distribution of $s$-tuples of reduced residues.
February 23, 2017
It has been known since Vinogradov that, for irrational $\alpha$, the sequence of fractional parts $\{\alpha p\}$ is equidistributed in $\mathbb{R}/\mathbb{Z}$ as $p$ ranges over primes. There is a natural second-order equidistribution property, a pair correlation of such fractional parts, which has recently received renewed interest, in particular regarding its relation to additive combinatorics. In this paper we show that the primes do not enjoy this stronger equidistributi...
December 16, 2012
We give heuristic arguments and computer results to support the hypothesis that, after appropriate rescaling, the statistics of spacings between adjacent prime numbers follows the Poisson distribution. The scaling transformation removes the oscillations in the NNSD of primes. These oscillations have the very profound period of length six. We also calculate the spectral rigidity $\Delta_3$ for prime numbers by two methods. After suitable averaging one of these methods gives th...
November 10, 2014
We investigate the error term of the asymptotic formula for the number of squarefree integers up to some bound, and lying in some arithmetic progression a (mod q). In particular, we prove an upper bound for its variance as a varies over $(\mathbb{Z}/q\mathbb{Z})^{\times}$ which considerably improves upon earlier work of Blomer.
March 19, 2024
Extending the classical Dirichlet's density theorem on coprime pairs, in this paper we describe completely the probability distribution of the number of coprime pairs in random squares of fixed side length in the lattice $\mathbb{N}^2$. The limit behaviour of this distribution as the side length of the random square tends to infinity is also considered.
February 4, 2014
We give asymptotics for correlation sums linked with the distribution of squarefree numbers in arithmetic progressions over a fixed modulus. As a particular case we improve a result of Blomer concerning the variance.