April 6, 2020
In this work we study the variational problem associated to dimer models, a class of models from integrable probability and statistical mechanics in dimension two which have been the focus of intense research efforts over the last decades. These models give rise to an infinite family of non-differentiable functionals on Lipschitz functions with gradient constraint, determined by solutions of the Dirichlet problem on compact convex polygons for a class of Monge-Amp\`ere equati...
August 2, 2019
This is the first article in a series of two papers in which we study the Temperleyan dimer model on an arbitrary bounded Riemann surface of finite topolgical type. The end goal of both papers is to prove the convergence of height fluctuations to a universal and conformally invariant scaling limit. In this part we show that the dimer model on the Temperleyan superposition of a graph embedded on the surface and its dual is well posed, provided that we remove an appropriate num...
April 30, 2008
The main result of this paper is a Pfaffian formula for the partition function of the dimer model on a graph G embedded in a closed, possibly non-orientable surface S. This formula is suitable for computational purposes, and it is obtained using purely geometrical methods. The key step in the proof consists of a correspondence between some orientations on G and the set of pin^- structures on S. This generalizes (and simplifies) the results of a previous paper [2].
April 2, 2007
In a previous paper, we showed how certain orientations of the edges of a graph G embedded in a closed oriented surface S can be understood as discrete spin structures on S. We then used this correspondence to give a geometric proof of the Pfaffian formula for the partition function of the dimer model on G. In the present article, we generalize these results to the case of compact oriented surfaces with boundary. We also show how the operations of cutting and gluing act on di...
June 18, 2024
In this article we study the double dimer model on hyperbolic Temperleyan graphs via circle packings. We prove that on such graphs, the weak limit of the dimer model exists if and only if the removed black vertex from the boundary of the exhaustion converges to a point on the unit circle in the circle packing representation of the graph. One of our main results is that for such measures, we prove that the double dimer model has no bi-infinite path almost surely. Along the way...
May 19, 2004
We study a model of random surfaces arising in the dimer model on the honeycomb lattice. For a fixed ``wire frame'' boundary condition, as the lattice spacing $\epsilon\to0$, Cohn, Kenyon and Propp [CKP] showed the almost sure convergence of a random surface to a non-random limit shape $\Sigma_0$. In [KO], Okounkov and the author showed how to parametrize the limit shapes in terms of analytic functions, in particular constructing a natural conformal structure on them. We show...
September 13, 2021
This is the second paper in the series devoted to the study of the dimer model on t-embeddings of planar bipartite graphs. We introduce the notion of perfect t-embeddings and assume that the graphs of the associated origami maps converge to a Lorentz-minimal surface $\mathrm{S}_\xi$ as $\delta\to 0$. In this setup we prove (under very mild technical assumptions) that the gradients of the height correlation functions converge to those of the Gaussian Free Field defined in the ...
July 21, 2022
We study a model of fully-packed dimer configurations (or perfect matchings) on a bipartite periodic graph that is two-dimensional but not planar. The graph is obtained from $\mathbb Z^2$ via the addition of an extensive number of extra edges that break planarity (but not bipartiteness). We prove that, if the weight $\lambda$ of the non-planar edges is small enough, a suitably defined height function scales on large distances to the Gaussian Free Field with a $\lambda$-depend...
July 1, 2005
In this paper we study surfaces in R^3 that arise as limit shapes in a class of random surface models arising from dimer models. The limit shapes are minimizers of a surface tension functional, that is, they minimize, for fixed boundary conditions, the integral of a quantity (the surface tension) depending only on the slope of the surface. The surface tension as a function of the slope has singularities and is not strictly convex, which leads to formation of facets and edges ...
April 3, 2003
We study "random surfaces," which are random real (or integer) valued functions on Z^d. The laws are determined by convex, nearest neighbor, difference potentials that are invariant under translation by a full-rank sublattice L of Z^d; they include many discrete and continuous height models (e.g., domino tilings, square ice, the harmonic crystal, the Ginzburg-Landau grad-phi interface model, the linear solid-on-solid model) as special cases. A gradient phase is an L-ergodic...