October 31, 2001
Based on a fundamental symmetry between space, time, mass and charge, a series of group structures of physical interest is generated, ranging from C2 to E8. The most significant result of this analysis is a version of the Dirac equation combining quaternions and multivariate vectors, which is already second quantized and intrinsically supersymmetric, and which automatically leads to a symmetry breaking, with the creation of specific particle structures and a mass-generating m...
January 9, 2007
It is shown that a subgroup of $SL(2,{\mathbb H})$, denoted $Spin(2,{\mathbb H})$ in this paper, which is defined by two conditions in addition to unit quaternionic determinant, is locally isomorphic to the restricted Lorentz group, $L_+^\uparrow$. On the basis of the Dirac theory using the spinor group $Spin(2,{\mathbb H})$, in which the charge conjugation transformation becomes linear in the quaternionic Dirac spinor, it is shown that the Hermiticity requirement of the Dira...
November 12, 2009
We have studied the different symmetric properties of the generalized Maxwell's - Dirac equation along with their quantum properties. Applying the parity (\mathcal{P}), time reversal (\mathcal{T}), charge conjugation (\mathcal{C}) and their combined effect like parity time reversal (\mathcal{PT}), charge conjugation and parity (\mathcal{CP}) and \mathcal{CP}T transformations to varius equations of generalized fields of dyons, it is shown that the corresponding dynamical quant...
May 26, 2014
We construct two sets of representations of the Dirac equation. They transform themselves from one to another in multiplying by the tensor commutation matrix (TCM) $2\otimes 2$. The Gauss matrix can lead us to the Cholesky decomposition. The TCMs can be used in order to obtain different transforms of some matrix equations to linear matrix equations of the form $AX=B$. A TCM $n\otimes n$ is expressed in terms of the $n\otimes n$-Gell-Mann matrices. In order to generalize this ...
August 25, 2005
A group structure of the discrete transformations (parity, time reversal and charge conjugation) for spinor field in de Sitter space are studied in terms of extraspecial finite groups. Two $CPT$ groups are introduced, the first group from an analysis of the de Sitter-Dirac wave equation for spinor field, and the second group from a purely algebraic approach based on the automorphism set of Clifford algebras. It is shown that both groups are isomorphic to each other.
October 14, 1998
A representation of the Lorentz group is given in terms of 4 X 4 matrices defined over a simple non-division algebra. The transformation properties of the corresponding four component spinor are studied, and shown to be equivalent to the transformation properties of the usual complex Dirac spinor. As an application, we show that there exists an algebra of automorphisms of the complex Dirac spinor that leave the transformation properties of its eight real components invariant ...
March 28, 2002
A group theoretical description of basic discrete symmetries (space inversion P, time reversal T and charge conjugation C) is given. Discrete subgroups of orthogonal groups of multidimensional spaces over the fields of real and complex numbers are considered in terms of fundamental automorphisms of Clifford algebras. In accordance with a division ring structure, a complete classification of automorphism groups is established for the Clifford algebras over the fields of real a...
September 8, 1998
We show that the attempt to introduce all of the discrete space-time transformations into the spinor representation of the Lorentz group as wholly independent transformations (as in the vectorial representation) leads to an 8-component spinor representation in general. The first indications seem to imply that CPT can be violated in this formulation without going outside of field theory. However one needs further study to reach a final conclusion.
February 28, 2022
This paper is dedicated to the memory of Zbigniew Oziewicz, to his generosity, intelligence and intensity in the search that is science and mathematics. The paper begins with a basic construction that produces Clifford algebras inductively, starting with a base algebra A that is associative and has an involution. This construction is an analog of the Cayley-Dickson Construction that produces the complex numbers, quaternions and octonions starting from the real numbers. Our ba...
June 26, 1997
In this paper we show how to construct a Dirac operator on a lattice in complete analogy with the continuum. In fact we consider a more general problem, that is, the Dirac operator over an abelian finite group (for which a lattice is a particular example). Our results appear to be in direct connexion with the so called fermion doubling problem. In order to find this Dirac operator we need to introduce an algebraic structure (that generalizes the Clifford algebras) where we ha...