ID: math-ph/0608011

A Time Dependent Version of the Quantum WKB Approximation

August 3, 2006

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Paul Bracken
Mathematical Physics

The phenomenon of quantum tunneling is reviewed and an overview of applying approximate methods for studying this effect is given. An approach to a time-dependent formalism is proposed in one dimension and generalized to higher dimensions. Some physical examples involving the resulting wavefunction which is determined are presented.

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Unraveling the bounce: a real time perspective on tunneling

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We study tunneling in one-dimensional quantum mechanics using the path integral in real time, where solutions of the classical equation of motion live in the complex plane. Analyzing solutions with small (complex) energy, relevant for constructing the wave function after a long time, we unravel the analytic structure of the action, and show explicitly how the imaginary time bounce arises as a parameterization of the lowest order term in the energy expansion. The real time cal...

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Complex-time approach for semi-classical quantum tunneling

November 12, 1994

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Hideaki Aoyama, Toshiyuki Harano
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The complex-time method for quantum tunneling is studied. In one-dimensional quantum mechanics, we construct a reduction formula for a Green function in the number of turning points based on the WKB approximation. This formula yields a series, which can be interpreted as a sum over the complex-time paths. The weights of the paths are determined.

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Complex-time path-integral formalism for quantum tunneling

December 12, 1994

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Hideaki Aoyama, Toshiyuki Harano
High Energy Physics - Theory

The complex-time formalism is developed in the framework of the path-integral formalism, to be used for analysis of the quantum tunneling phenomena. We show that subleading complex-time saddle-points do not account for the right WKB result. Instead, we develop a reduction formula, which enables us to construct Green functions from simple components of the potential, for which saddle-point method is applicable. This method leads us to the valid WKB result, which incorporates i...

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Generalised escape paths for dynamical tunneling in QFT

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We present a formalism based on the functional Schr\"odinger equation to analyse time-dependent tunneling in quantum field theory at the semi-classical level. The full problem is reduced step by step to a finite dimensional quantum mechanical setup and solved using the WKB approximation. As an example, we consider tunneling from a homogeneous oscillating initial state in scalar quantum field theory.

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The WKB approximation and tunneling in theories with non-canonical kinetic terms

March 2, 2017

89% Match
Mariana Carrillo Gonzalez, Ali Masoumi, ... , Trodden Mark
High Energy Physics - Theory
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Tunneling is a fascinating aspect of quantum mechanics that renders the local minima of a potential meta-stable, with important consequences for particle physics, for the early hot stage of the universe, and more speculatively, for the behavior of the putative multiverse. While this phenomenon has been studied extensively for systems which have canonical kinetic terms, many theories of fundamental physics contain fields with non-canonical kinetic structures. It is therefore d...

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Quantum Tunneling In Deformed Quantum Mechanics with Minimal Length

September 22, 2016

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In the deformed quantum mechanics with a minimal length, one WKB connection formula through a turning point is derived. We then use it to calculate tunnelling rates through potential barriers under the WKB approximation. Finally, the minimal length effects on two examples of quantum tunneling in nuclear and atomic physics are discussed

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Time-dependent treatment of tunneling and Time's Arrow problem

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New time-dependent treatment of tunneling from localized state to continuum is proposed. It does not use the Laplace transform (Green's function's method) and can be applied for time-dependent potentials, as well. This approach results in simple expressions describing dynamics of tunneling to Markovian and non-Markovian reservoirs in the time-interval $-\infty<t<\infty$. It can provide a new outlook for tunneling in the negative time region, illuminating the origin of the tim...

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WKB - Not So Bad After All

June 3, 2011

89% Match
Chung-Sang Ng
Plasma Physics

It was found recently that tunneling probabilities over a barrier is roughly twice as large as that given by standard WKB formula. Here we explained how this come from and showed that WKB method does give a good approximation over almost entire energy range provided that we use appropriate connection relations.

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Exponentially Accurate Semiclassical Tunneling Wave Functions in One Dimension

March 17, 2010

89% Match
Vasile Gradinaru, George A. Hagedorn, Alain Joye
Mathematical Physics

We study the time behavior of wave functions involved in tunneling through a smooth potential barrier in one dimension in the semiclassical limit. We determine the leading order component of the wave function that tunnels. It is exponentially small in $1/\hbar$. For a wide variety of incoming wave packets, the leading order tunneling component is Gaussian for sufficiently small $\hbar$. We prove this for both the large time asymptotics and for moderately large values of the t...

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Quantum Mechanics as a Classical Theory XIII: The Tunnel Effect

September 4, 1996

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L. S. F. Olavo
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In this continuation paper we will address the problem of tunneling. We will show how to settle this phenomenon within our classical interpretation. It will be shown that, rigorously speaking, there is no tunnel effect at all.

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