ID: nlin/0002033

Analysis of immune network dynamical system model with small number of degrees of freedom

February 21, 2000

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Satoko Itaya, Tatsuya Uezu
Nonlinear Sciences
Quantitative Biology
Chaotic Dynamics

We numerically study a dynamical system model of an idiotypic immune network with a small number of degrees of freedom. The model was originally introduced by Varela, and describes antibodies interacting in a body in order to prepare for the invasion of external antigens. The main purpose of this paper is to investigate the direction of change in the network system when antigens invade it. We investigate three models, original model, a modified model and a modified model with a threshold of concentration over which each antibody can recognize other antibodies. In all these models, both chaotic and periodic states exist. In particular, we find peculiar states organized in the network, the clustering state.

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Response to Invasion by Antigen and Effects of Threshold in an Immune Network Dynamical System Model with a Small Number of Degrees of Freedom

June 29, 2001

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Satoko Itaya, Tatsuya Uezu
Condensed Matter
Quantitative Biology

We study a dynamical system model of an idiotypic immune network with a small number of degrees of freedom, mainly focusing on the effect of a threshold above which antibodies can recognise antibodies. The response of the system to invasions by antigens is investigated in the both models with and without the threshold and it turns out that the system changes in a desirable direction for moderate magnitude of perturbation. direction for moderate magnitude of perturbation. Also...

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Is the immune network a complex network?

January 30, 2012

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Hallan Souza-e-Silva, Rita Maria Zorzenon dos Santos
Biological Physics
Molecular Networks

Some years ago a cellular automata model was proposed to describe the evolution of the immune repertoire of B cells and antibodies based on Jerne's immune network theory and shape-space formalism. Here we investigate if the networks generated by this model in the different regimes can be classified as complex networks. We have found that in the chaotic regime the network has random characteristics with large, constant values of clustering coefficients, while in the ordered ph...

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On Modelling The Immune System as a Complex system

January 6, 2008

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E. Ahmed, A. H. Hashish
Populations and Evolution

We argue that immune system is an adaptive complex system. It is shown that it has emergent properties. Its network structure is of the small world network type. The network is of the threshold type, which helps in avoiding autoimmunity. It has the property that every antigen (e.g.virus or bacteria) is typically attacked by more than one effector. This stabilizes the equilibrium state. Modelling complex systems is discussed. Cellular automata (CA) type models are successful b...

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Evolution of Multispecificity in an Immune Network

June 24, 1999

88% Match
K. Univ of Tokyo Harada, T. Univ of Tokyo Ikegami
Chaotic Dynamics

Divergence in antigen response of the immune network is discussed, based on shape-space modelling. The present model extends the shape-space model by introducing the evolution of specificity of idiotypes. When the amount of external antigen increases, stability of the immune network changes and the network responds to the antigen. It is shown that specific and non-specific responses emerge as a function of antigen levels. A specific response is observed with a fixed point att...

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A Cayley Tree Immune Network Model with Antibody Dynamics

May 3, 1993

88% Match
Russell W. Los Alamos National Laboratory Anderson, Avidan U. Santa Fe Institute Neumann, Alan S. Los Alamos National Laboratory Perelson
Chaotic Dynamics

A Cayley tree model of idiotypic networks that includes both B cell and antibody dynamics is formulated and analyzed. As in models with B cells only, localized states exist in the network with limited numbers of activated clones surrounded by virgin or near-virgin clones. The existence and stability of these localized network states are explored as a function of model parameters. As in previous models that have included antibody, the stability of immune and tolerant localized...

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A statistical mechanics approach to autopoietic immune networks

January 21, 2010

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Adriano Barra, Elena Agliari
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The aim of this work is to try to bridge over theoretical immunology and disordered statistical mechanics. Our long term hope is to contribute to the development of a quantitative theoretical immunology from which practical applications may stem. In order to make theoretical immunology appealing to the statistical physicist audience we are going to work out a research article which, from one side, may hopefully act as a benchmark for future improvements and developments, from...

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An introduction to the immune network

January 12, 1995

87% Match
Giorgio Parisi
Cell Behavior

In this paper, after a telegraphic introduction to modern immunology, we present a simple model for the idiotypic network among antibodies and we study its relevance for the maintenance of immunological memory. We also consider the problem of computing the memory capacity of such a model.

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Immune Network: An Example of Complex Adaptive Systems

March 3, 1998

87% Match
Debashish Chowdhury
Statistical Mechanics

The phenomenon of immunological memory has been known for a long time. But, the underlying mechanism is poorly understood. According to the theory of clonal selection the response to a specific invading antigen (e.g., bacteria) is offered by a specific clone of the cells. Some of the lymphocytes activated during the primary response remain dormant and keep circulating in the immune system for a long time carrying the memory of the encounter and, therefore, these long-lived ce...

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Long Term and Short Term Effects of Perturbations in a Immune Network Model

June 5, 2003

87% Match
Rita Maria Zorzenon dos Santos, Mauro Copelli
Statistical Mechanics
Populations and Evolution

In this paper we review the trajectory of a model proposed by Stauffer and Weisbuch in 1992 to describe the evolution of the immune repertoire and present new results about its dynamical behavior. Ten years later this model, which is based on the ideas of the immune network as proposed by Jerne, has been able to describe a multi-connected network and could be used to reproduce immunization and aging experiments performed with mice. Besides its biological implications, the phy...

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A new model for the immune clonal networks

February 25, 2005

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V. V. Gafiychuk, A. K. Prykarpatsky
Quantitative Methods
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This paper deals with a new model for clonal network dynamics. We describe in detail this model and derive special equations governing immune system dynamics based on the general gradient type principles that can be inherent to a wide class of real living objects. A special clonal network is modeled by two symmetric projector matrix variables simultaneously taking into account both asymmetry of the interaction to each other and adaptation states that can be realized owing to ...

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