ID: physics/0703208

Statistical properties of short term price trends in high frequency stock market data

March 22, 2007

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Paweł Sieczka, Janusz A. Hołyst
Quantitative Finance
Physics and Society
Statistical Finance

We investigated distributions of short term price trends for high frequency stock market data. A number of trends as a function of their lengths was measured. We found that such a distribution does not fit to results following from an uncorrelated stochastic process. We proposed a simple model with a memory that gives a qualitative agreement with real data.

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Analysis of short term price trends in daily stock-market index data

November 13, 2012

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H. F. Coronel-Brizio, A. R. Hernández Montoya, ... , Scalas E.
Statistical Finance

In financial time series there are periods in which the value increases or decreases monotonically. We call those periods elemental trends and study the probability distribution of their duration for the indices DJIA, NASDAQ and IPC. It is found that the trend duration distribution often differs from the one expected under no memory. The expected and observed distributions are compared by means of the Anderson-Darling test.

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Continuous Time Random Walk with correlated waiting times. The crucial role of inter-trade times in volatility clustering

September 11, 2019

89% Match
Jarosław Klamut, Tomasz Gubiec
Statistical Finance
Data Analysis, Statistics an...

In many physical, social or economical phenomena we observe changes of a studied quantity only in discrete, irregularly distributed points in time. The stochastic process used by physicists to describe this kind of variables is the Continuous Time Random Walk (CTRW). Despite the popularity of this type of stochastic processes and strong empirical motivation, models with a long-term memory within the sequence of time intervals between observations are missing. Here, we fill th...

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Long-range memory model of trading activity and volatility

June 14, 2006

89% Match
V. Gontis, B. Kaulakys
Physics and Society
Statistical Finance

Earlier we proposed the stochastic point process model, which reproduces a variety of self-affine time series exhibiting power spectral density S(f) scaling as power of the frequency f and derived a stochastic differential equation with the same long range memory properties. Here we present a stochastic differential equation as a dynamical model of the observed memory in the financial time series. The continuous stochastic process reproduces the statistical properties of the ...

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Continuous-Time Random Walk with multi-step memory: An application to market dynamics

May 29, 2013

88% Match
Tomasz Gubiec, Ryszard Kutner
Data Analysis, Statistics an...
Statistical Finance
Trading and Market Microstru...

A novel version of the Continuous-Time Random Walk (CTRW) model with memory is developed. This memory means the dependence between arbitrary number of successive jumps of the process, while waiting times between jumps are considered as i.i.d. random variables. The dependence was found by analysis of empirical histograms for the stochastic process of a single share price on a market within the high frequency time scale, and justified theoretically by considering bid-ask bounce...

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Long Memory in Stock Trading

March 12, 2003

88% Match
Andrei Leonidov
Statistical Mechanics
Trading and Market Microstru...

Using a relationship between the moments of the probability distribution of times between the two consecutive trades (intertrade time distribution) and the moments of the distribution of a daily number of trades we show, that the underlying point process is essentially non-markovian. A detailed analysis of all trades in the EESR stock on the Moscow International Currency Exchange in the period January 2003 - September 2003, including that of correlation between intertrade tim...

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The non-random walk of stock prices: The long-term correlation between signs and sizes

November 28, 2007

88% Match
Spada Gabriele La, J. Doyne Farmer, Fabrizio Lillo
Statistical Finance
Physics and Society

We investigate the random walk of prices by developing a simple model relating the properties of the signs and absolute values of individual price changes to the diffusion rate (volatility) of prices at longer time scales. We show that this benchmark model is unable to reproduce the diffusion properties of real prices. Specifically, we find that for one hour intervals this model consistently over-predicts the volatility of real price series by about 70%, and that this effect ...

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A long-range memory stochastic model of the return in financial markets

January 7, 2009

88% Match
V. Gontis, J. Ruseckas, A. Kononovicius
Statistical Finance

We present a nonlinear stochastic differential equation (SDE) which mimics the probability density function (PDF) of the return and the power spectrum of the absolute return in financial markets. Absolute return as a measure of market volatility is considered in the proposed model as a long-range memory stochastic variable. The SDE is obtained from the analogy with earlier proposed model of trading activity in the financial markets and generalized within the nonextensive stat...

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On non-markovian nature of stock trading

March 18, 2004

88% Match
Andrei Leonidov
Other Condensed Matter
Statistical Finance

Using a relationship between the moments of the probability distribution of times between the two consecutive trades (intertrade time distribution) and the moments of the distribution of a daily number of trades we show, that the underlying point process generating times of the trades is an essentially non-markovian long-range memory one. Further evidence for the long-range memory nature of this point process is provided by the powerlike correlation between the intertrade tim...

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Long-range memory test by the burst and inter-burst duration distribution

May 31, 2020

88% Match
Vygintas Gontis
Statistical Finance

It is empirically established that order flow in the financial markets is positively auto-correlated and can serve as an example of a social system with long-range memory. Nevertheless, widely used long-range memory estimators give varying values of the Hurst exponent. We propose the burst and inter-burst duration statistical analysis as one more test of long-range memory and implement it with the limit order book data comparing it with other widely used estimators. This meth...

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Survey on log-normally distributed market-technical trend data

May 11, 2016

87% Match
René Kempen, Stanislaus Maier-Paape
Statistical Finance

In this survey, a short introduction in the recent discovery of log-normally distributed market-technical trend data will be given. The results of the statistical evaluation of typical market-technical trend variables will be presented. It will be shown that the log-normal assumption fits better to empirical trend data than to daily returns of stock prices. This enables to mathematically evaluate trading systems depending on such variables. In this manner, a basic approach to...

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