ID: 0710.1222

Euler Characteristic of real nondegenerate tropical complete intersections

October 5, 2007

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Benoit Bertrand, Frederic Bihan
Algebraic Geometry

We define nondegenerate tropical complete intersections imitating the corresponding definition in complex algebraic geometry. As in the complex situation, all nonzero intersection multiplicity numbers between tropical hypersurfaces defining a nondegenerate tropical complete intersection are equal to 1. The intersection multiplicity numbers we use are sums of mixed volumes of polytopes which are dual to cells of the tropical hypersurfaces. We show that the Euler characteristic of a real nondegenerate tropical complete intersection depends only on the Newton polytopes of the tropical polynomials which define the intersection. Basically, it is equal to the usual signature of a complex complete intersection with same Newton polytopes, when this signature is defined. The proof reduces to the toric hypersurface case, and uses the notion of $E$-polynomials of complex varieties.

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