ID: 0710.1222

Euler Characteristic of real nondegenerate tropical complete intersections

October 5, 2007

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Tropical tangents for complete intersection curves

April 30, 2021

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Nathan Ilten, Yoav Len
Algebraic Geometry

We consider the tropicalization of tangent lines to a complete intersection curve $X$ in $\mathbb{P}^n$. Under mild hypotheses, we describe a procedure for computing the tropicalization of the image of the Gauss map of $X$ in terms of the tropicalizations of the hypersurfaces cutting out $X$. We apply this to obtain descriptions of the tropicalization of the dual variety $X^*$ and tangential variety $\tau(X)$ of $X$. In particular, we are able to compute the degrees of $X^*$ ...

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Smooth tropical complete intersection curves of genus $3$ in $\mathbb{R}^3$

December 17, 2021

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Masayuki Sukenaga
Algebraic Geometry

We develop a method for describing the tropical complete intersection of a tropical hypersurface and a tropical plane in $\mathbb{R}^3$. This involves a method for determining the topological type of the intersection of a tropical plane curve and $\mathbb{R}_{\leq 0}^2$ by using a polyhedral complex. As an application, we study smooth tropical complete intersection curves of genus $3$ in $\mathbb{R}^3$. In particular, we show that there are no smooth tropical complete interse...

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A short survey on Newton polytopes, tropical geometry and ring of conditions of algebraic torus

March 19, 2018

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Kiumars Kaveh, A. G. Khovanskii
Algebraic Geometry

The purpose of this note is to give an exposition of some interesting combinatorics and convex geometry concepts that appear in algebraic geometry in relation to counting the number of solutions of a system of polynomial equations in several variables over complex numbers. The exposition is aimed for a general audience in mathematics and we hope to be accessible to undergraduate as well as advance high school students. The topics discussed belong to relatively new, and closel...

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Euler characteristic of the bifurcation set for a polynomial of degree 2 or 3

November 5, 2010

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Gleb G. Gusev
Algebraic Geometry

Assume that the coefficients of a polynomial in a complex variable are Laurent polynomials in some complex parameters. The parameter space (a complex torus) splits into strata corresponding to different combinations of coincidence of the roots of the polynomial. For generic Laurent polynomials with fixed Newton polyhedra the Euler characteristics of these strata are also fixed. We provide explicit formulae for the Euler characteristics of the strata in terms of the polyhedra ...

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Tropical Intersection Theory from Toric Varieties

July 15, 2009

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Eric Katz
Algebraic Geometry

We apply ideas from intersection theory on toric varieties to tropical intersection theory. We introduce mixed Minkowski weights on toric varieties which interpolate between equivariant and ordinary Chow cohomology classes on complete toric varieties. These objects fit into the framework of tropical intersection theory developed by Allermann and Rau. Standard facts about intersection theory on toric varieties are applied to show that the definitions of tropical intersection p...

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On the frontiers of polynomial computations in tropical geometry

October 31, 2004

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Thorsten Theobald

We study some basic algorithmic problems concerning the intersection of tropical hypersurfaces in general dimension: deciding whether this intersection is nonempty, whether it is a tropical variety, and whether it is connected, as well as counting the number of connected components. We characterize the borderline between tractable and hard computations by proving $\mathcal{NP}$-hardness and #$\mathcal{P}$-hardness results under various strong restrictions of the input data, a...

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A-Tint: A polymake extension for algorithmic tropical intersection theory

August 21, 2012

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Simon Hampe
Algebraic Geometry

In this paper we study algorithmic aspects of tropical intersection theory. We analyse how divisors and intersection products on tropical cycles can actually be computed using polyhedral geometry. The main focus of this paper is the study of moduli spaces, where the underlying combinatorics of the varieties involved allow a much more efficient way of computing certain tropical cycles. The algorithms discussed here have been implemented in an extension for polymake, a software...

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Lifting tropical self intersections

June 4, 2018

81% Match
Yoav Len, Matthew Satriano
Algebraic Geometry

We study the tropicalization of intersections of plane curves, under the assumption that they have the same tropicalization. We show that the set of tropical divisors that arise in this manner is a pure dimensional balanced polyhedral complex and compute its dimension. When the genus is at most 1, we show that all the tropical divisors that move in the expected dimension are realizable. As part of the proof, we introduce a combinatorial tool for explicitly constructing large ...

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Tropical geometry, the motivic nearby fiber and limit mixed Hodge numbers of hypersurfaces

April 11, 2014

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Eric Katz, Alan Stapledon
Algebraic Geometry

The motivic nearby fiber is an invariant obtained from degenerating a complex variety over a disc. It specializes to the Euler characteristic of the original variety but also contains information on the variation of Hodge structure associated to the degeneration which is encoded as a limit mixed Hodge structure. However, this invariant is difficult to compute in practice. Using the techniques of tropical geometry we present a new formula for the motivic nearby fiber. Moreover...

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Polyhedral structures on tropical varieties

February 21, 2013

81% Match
Diane Maclagan
Commutative Algebra

Tropical varieties are polyhedral shadows of classical varieties. The purpose of these expository notes is to explain the origin of this polyhedral complex structure from the perspective of Gr\"obner bases. To appear in the proceedings of the 2011 Bellairs Workshop in Number Theory.

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