ID: 1002.2576

R-matrix knot invariants and triangulations

February 12, 2010

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R. M. Kashaev
Quantum Algebra
Mathematical Physics

The construction of quantum knot invariants from solutions of the Yang--Baxter equation (R-matrices) is reviewed with the emphasis on a class of R-matrices admitting an interpretation in intrinsically three-dimensional terms.

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On R-matrix approaches to knot invariants

December 29, 2014

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A. Anokhina
High Energy Physics - Theory

We present an elementary introduction to one of the most important today knot theory approaches, which gives rise to a representation for a class of knot polynomials in terms of quantum groups. Historically, the approach was at the same time developed from the state model approach and from the braid group approach, and we consider the both approaches and there relation to each other and to the R-matrix approach in details with help of the simple explicit examples. We also dis...

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Quantum invariants via Hopf algebras and solutions to the Yang-Baxter equation

November 23, 2018

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Leandro Vendramin
Geometric Topology

The fundamental problem of knot theory is to know whether two knots are equivalent or not. As a tool to prove that two knots are different, mathematicians have developed various invariants. Knots invariants are just functions that can be computed from the knot and depend only on the topology of the knot. Here we describe quantum invariants, a powerful family of invariants related to the celebrated Yang-Baxter equation.

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Quantization of geometric classical r-matrices

October 31, 1998

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Pavel Etingof, Alexandre Soloviev
Quantum Algebra

In this note we define geometric classical r-matrices and quantum R-matrices, and show how any geometric classical r-matrix can be quantized to a geometric quantum R-matrix. This is one of the simplest nontrivial examples of quantization of solutions of the classical Yang-Baxter equation, which can be explicitly computed.

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Jiakang Bao
Algebraic Geometry
Mathematical Physics
Representation Theory

In this note, we study possible $\mathcal{R}$-matrix constructions in the context of quiver Yangians and Yang-Baxter algebras. For generalized conifolds, we also discuss the relations between the quiver Yangians and some other Yangian algebras (and $\mathcal{W}$-algebras) in literature.

On the Hopf algebras generated by the Yang-Baxter R-matrices

February 11, 1993

86% Match
A. A. Vladimirov
Quantum Algebra

We reformulate the method recently proposed for constructing quasitriangular Hopf algebras of the quantum-double type from the R-matrices obeying the Yang-Baxter equations. Underlying algebraic structures of the method are elucidated and an illustration of its facilities is given. The latter produces an example of a new quasitriangular Hopf algebra. The corresponding universal R-matrix is presented as a formal power series.

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Quantum invariants of knotoids

February 25, 2021

85% Match
Neslihan Gugumcu, Louis H. Kauffman
Geometric Topology

In this paper, we construct quantum invariants for knotoid diagrams in $\mathbb{R}^2$. The diagrams are arranged with respect to a given direction in the plane ({\it Morse knotoids}). A Morse knotoid diagram can be decomposed into basic elementary diagrams each of which is associated to a matrix that yields solutions of the quantum Yang-Baxter equation. We recover the bracket polynomial, and define the rotational bracket polynomial, the binary bracket polynomial, the Alexande...

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Quantum Invariants of Knots and 3-Manifolds

September 5, 1994

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V. Turaev
High Energy Physics - Theory

Removed because of inappropriateness for e-print archives.

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A Link Invariant from Quantum Dilogarithm

April 24, 1995

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R. M. Kashaev
Quantum Algebra

The link invariant, arising from the cyclic quantum dilogarithm via the particular $R$-matrix construction, is proved to coincide with the invariant of triangulated links in $S^3$ introduced in R.M. Kashaev, Mod. Phys. Lett. A, Vol.9 No.40 (1994) 3757. The obtained invariant, like Alexander-Conway polynomial, vanishes on disjoint union of links. The $R$-matrix can be considered as the cyclic analog of the universal $R$-matrix associated with $U_q(sl(2))$ algebra.

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Tetrahedron Equation and Quantum R Matrices for Spin Representations of B^{(1)}_n, D^{(1)}_n and D^{(2)}_{n+1}

March 29, 2012

85% Match
Atsuo Kuniba, Sergey Sergeev
Mathematical Physics
Quantum Algebra
Exactly Solvable and Integra...

It is known that a solution of the tetrahedron equation generates infinitely many solutions of the Yang-Baxter equation via suitable reductions. In this paper this scheme is applied to an oscillator solution of the tetrahedron equation involving bosons and fermions by using special 3d boundary conditions. The resulting solutions of the Yang-Baxter equation are identified with the quantum R matrices for the spin representations of B^{(1)}_n, D^{(1)}_n and D^{(2)}_{n+1}.

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The R-Matrix in 3d Topological BF Theory

September 27, 2023

85% Match
Nanna Havn Aamand
High Energy Physics - Theory

In this paper I study Wilson line operators in a certain type of split Chern-Simons theory on a manifold with boundaries. The resulting gauge theory is a 3d topological BF theory equivalent to a topologically twisted 3d $\mathcal N=4$ theory. I show that this theory realises solutions to the quantum Yang-Baxter equation all orders in perturbation theory as the expectation value of crossing Wilson lines.

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