ID: 1003.0356

The number of graphs and a random graph with a given degree sequence

March 1, 2010

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Alexander Barvinok, J. A. Hartigan

We consider the set of all graphs on n labeled vertices with prescribed degrees D=(d_1, ..., d_n). For a wide class of tame degree sequences D we prove a computationally efficient asymptotic formula approximating the number of graphs within a relative error which approaches 0 as n grows. As a corollary, we prove that the structure of a random graph with a given tame degree sequence D is well described by a certain maximum entropy matrix computed from D. We also establish an asymptotic formula for the number of bipartite graphs with prescribed degrees of vertices, or, equivalently, for the number of 0-1 matrices with prescribed row and column sums.

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Asymptotic enumeration of graphs by degree sequence, and the degree sequence of a random graph

February 27, 2017

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Anita Liebenau, Nick Wormald

In this paper we relate a fundamental parameter of a random graph, its degree sequence, to a simple model of nearly independent binomial random variables. This confirms a conjecture made in 1997. As a result, many interesting functions of the joint distribution of graph degrees, such as the distribution of the median degree, become amenable to estimation. Our result is established by proving an asymptotic formula conjectured in 1990 for the number of graphs with given degree ...

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Generating graphs randomly

January 13, 2022

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Catherine Greenhill

Graphs are used in many disciplines to model the relationships that exist between objects in a complex discrete system. Researchers may wish to compare a network of interest to a "typical" graph from a family (or ensemble) of graphs which are similar in some way. One way to do this is to take a sample of several random graphs from the family, to gather information about what is "typical". Hence there is a need for algorithms which can generate graphs uniformly (or approximate...

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Asymptotic enumeration of digraphs and bipartite graphs by degree sequence

June 29, 2020

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Anita Liebenau, Nick Wormald
Discrete Mathematics

We provide asymptotic formulae for the numbers of bipartite graphs with given degree sequence, and of loopless digraphs with given in- and out-degree sequences, for a wide range of parameters. Our results cover medium range densities and close the gaps between the results known for the sparse and dense ranges. In the case of bipartite graphs, these results were proved by Greenhill, McKay and Wang in 2006 and by Canfield, Greenhill and McKay in 2008, respectively. Our method a...

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How likely is an i.i.d. degree sequence to be graphical?

April 6, 2005

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Richard Arratia, Thomas M. Liggett

Given i.i.d. positive integer valued random variables D_1,...,D_n, one can ask whether there is a simple graph on n vertices so that the degrees of the vertices are D_1,...,D_n. We give sufficient conditions on the distribution of D_i for the probability that this be the case to be asymptotically 0, {1/2} or strictly between 0 and {1/2}. These conditions roughly correspond to whether the limit of nP(D_i\geq n) is infinite, zero or strictly positive and finite. This paper is m...

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Fast uniform generation of random graphs with given degree sequences

May 9, 2019

90% Match
Andrii Arman, Pu Gao, Nicholas Wormald
Data Structures and Algorith...

In this paper we provide an algorithm that generates a graph with given degree sequence uniformly at random. Provided that $\Delta^4=O(m)$, where $\Delta$ is the maximal degree and $m$ is the number of edges,the algorithm runs in expected time $O(m)$. Our algorithm significantly improves the previously most efficient uniform sampler, which runs in expected time $O(m^2\Delta^2)$ for the same family of degree sequences. Our method uses a novel ingredient which progressively rel...

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Fast generation of random connected graphs with prescribed degrees

February 22, 2005

89% Match
Fabien LIAFA, Regal Ur-R Lip6 Viger, Matthieu LIAFA Latapy
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Disordered Systems and Neura...
Discrete Mathematics

We address here the problem of generating random graphs uniformly from the set of simple connected graphs having a prescribed degree sequence. Our goal is to provide an algorithm designed for practical use both because of its ability to generate very large graphs (efficiency) and because it is easy to implement (simplicity). We focus on a family of heuristics for which we prove optimality conditions, and show how this optimality can be reached in practice. We then propose a d...

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On the Number of Graphs with a Given Histogram

February 3, 2022

89% Match
Shahar Stein Ioushua, Ofer Shayevitz
Information Theory
Information Theory

Let $G$ be a large (simple, unlabeled) dense graph on $n$ vertices. Suppose that we only know, or can estimate, the empirical distribution of the number of subgraphs $F$ that each vertex in $G$ participates in, for some fixed small graph $F$. How many other graphs would look essentially the same to us, i.e., would have a similar local structure? In this paper, we derive upper and lower bounds on the number of graphs whose empirical distribution lies close (in the Kolmogorov-S...

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Counting loopy graphs with given degrees

March 1, 2011

89% Match
Brendan D. McKay, Catherine Greenhill

Let d=(d_1,d_2,..., d_n) be a vector of non-negative integers. We study the number of symmetric 0-1 matrices whose row sum vector equals d. While previous work has focussed on the case of zero diagonal, we allow diagonal entries to equal 1. When forming the row sum, each diagonal entry is multiplied by a factor of D, where D is 1 or 2. The case D=1 corresponds to enumeration by the usual row sum of matrices. The case D=2 corresponds to enumeration by degree sequence of undire...

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A Sequential Algorithm for Generating Random Graphs

February 22, 2007

89% Match
Mohsen Bayati, Jeong Han Kim, Amin saberi
Computational Complexity
Discrete Mathematics

We present a nearly-linear time algorithm for counting and randomly generating simple graphs with a given degree sequence in a certain range. For degree sequence $(d_i)_{i=1}^n$ with maximum degree $d_{\max}=O(m^{1/4-\tau})$, our algorithm generates almost uniform random graphs with that degree sequence in time $O(m\,d_{\max})$ where $m=\f{1}{2}\sum_id_i$ is the number of edges in the graph and $\tau$ is any positive constant. The fastest known algorithm for uniform generatio...

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Random dense bipartite graphs and directed graphs with specified degrees

January 22, 2007

89% Match
Catherine Greenhill, Brendan D. McKay

Let S and T be vectors of positive integers with the same sum. We study the uniform distribution on the space of simple bipartite graphs with degree sequence S in one part and T in the other; equivalently, binary matrices with row sums S and column sums T. In particular, we find precise formulae for the probabilities that a given bipartite graph is edge-disjoint from, a subgraph of, or an induced subgraph of a random graph in the class. We also give similar formulae for the u...

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