ID: 1003.0356

The number of graphs and a random graph with a given degree sequence

March 1, 2010

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Trees in Random Sparse Graphs with a Given Degree Sequence

December 31, 2013

89% Match
Behzad Mehrdad

Let $\mathbb{G}^{D}$ be the set of graphs $G(V,\, E)$ with $\left|V\right|=n$, and the degree sequence equal to $D=(d_{1},\, d_{2},\,\dots,\, d_{n})$. In addition, for $\frac{1}{2}<a<1$, we define the set of graphs with an almost given degree sequence $D$ as follows, \[ \mathbb{G}_{a}^{D}:=\cup\,\mathbb{G}^{\bar{D}}, \] where the union is over all degree sequences $\bar{D}$ such that, for $1\leq i\leq n$, we have $\left|d_{i}-\bar{d}_{i}\right|<d_{i}^{a}$. Now, if we chose ...

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Degree sequences of random digraphs and bipartite graphs

February 11, 2013

89% Match
Brendan D. McKay, Fiona Skerman

We investigate the joint distribution of the vertex degrees in three models of random bipartite graphs. Namely, we can choose each edge with a specified probability, choose a specified number of edges, or specify the vertex degrees in one of the two colour classes. This problem can alternatively be described in terms of the row and sum columns of random binary matrix or the in-degrees and out-degrees of a random digraph, in which case we can optionally forbid loops. It can al...

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Subgraphs of dense random graphs with specified degrees

February 16, 2010

89% Match
Brendan D McKay

Let d = (d1, d2, ..., dn) be a vector of non-negative integers with even sum. We prove some basic facts about the structure of a random graph with degree sequence d, including the probability of a given subgraph or induced subgraph. Although there are many results of this kind, they are restricted to the sparse case with only a few exceptions. Our focus is instead on the case where the average degree is approximately a constant fraction of n. Our approach is the multidimensio...

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Distributions of sparse spanning subgraphs in random graphs

May 30, 2011

89% Match
Pu Gao

We describe a general approach of determining the distribution of spanning subgraphs in the random graph $\G(n,p)$. In particular, we determine the distribution of spanning subgraphs of certain given degree sequences, which is a generalisation of the $d$-factors, of spanning triangle-free subgraphs, of (directed) Hamilton cycles and of spanning subgraphs that are isomorphic to a collection of vertex disjoint (directed) triangles.

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Degree sequences of sufficiently dense random uniform hypergraphs

June 15, 2021

88% Match
Catherine Greenhill, Mikhail Isaev, ... , McKay Brendan D.

We find an asymptotic enumeration formula for the number of simple $r$-uniform hypergraphs with a given degree sequence, when the number of edges is sufficiently large. The formula is given in terms of the solution of a system of equations. We give sufficient conditions on the degree sequence which guarantee existence of a solution to this system. Furthermore, we solve the system and give an explicit asymptotic formula when the degree sequence is close to regular. This allows...

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Exact sampling of graphs with prescribed degree correlations

March 23, 2015

88% Match
Kevin E. Bassler, Genio Charo I. Del, Péter L. Erdős, ... , Toroczkai Zoltán
Discrete Mathematics
Statistical Mechanics
Data Structures and Algorith...
Physics and Society

Many real-world networks exhibit correlations between the node degrees. For instance, in social networks nodes tend to connect to nodes of similar degree. Conversely, in biological and technological networks, high-degree nodes tend to be linked with low-degree nodes. Degree correlations also affect the dynamics of processes supported by a network structure, such as the spread of opinions or epidemics. The proper modelling of these systems, i.e., without uncontrolled biases, r...

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Enumerating Labeled Graphs that Realize a Fixed Degree Sequence

January 6, 2021

88% Match
Atabey Kaygun

A finite non-increasing sequence of positive integers $d = (d_1\geq \cdots\geq d_n)$ is called a degree sequence if there is a graph $G = (V,E)$ with $V = \{v_1,\ldots,v_n\}$ and $deg(v_i)=d_i$ for $i=1,\ldots,n$. In that case we say that the graph $G$ realizes the degree sequence $d$. We show that the exact number of labeled graphs that realize a fixed degree sequence satisfies a simple recurrence relation. Using this relation, we then obtain a recursive algorithm for the ex...

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Graphs with degree constraints

June 9, 2015

88% Match
Panafieu Élie de, Lander Ramos

Given a set D of nonnegative integers, we derive the asymptotic number of graphs with a givenvnumber of vertices, edges, and such that the degree of every vertex is in D. This generalizes existing results, such as the enumeration of graphs with a given minimum degree, and establishes new ones, such as the enumeration of Euler graphs, i.e. where all vertices have an even degree. Those results are derived using analytic combinatorics.

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Random graphs with a given degree sequence

May 7, 2010

88% Match
Sourav Chatterjee, Persi Diaconis, Allan Sly
Statistics Theory
Statistics Theory

Large graphs are sometimes studied through their degree sequences (power law or regular graphs). We study graphs that are uniformly chosen with a given degree sequence. Under mild conditions, it is shown that sequences of such graphs have graph limits in the sense of Lov\'{a}sz and Szegedy with identifiable limits. This allows simple determination of other features such as the number of triangles. The argument proceeds by studying a natural exponential model having the degree...

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Moments of Uniform Random Multigraphs with Fixed Degree Sequences

September 19, 2019

88% Match
Philip S. Chodrow
Social and Information Netwo...
Data Analysis, Statistics an...
Physics and Society

We study the expected adjacency matrix of a uniformly random multigraph with fixed degree sequence $\mathbf{d} \in \mathbb{Z}_+^n$. This matrix arises in a variety of analyses of networked data sets, including modularity-maximization and mean-field theories of spreading processes. Its structure is well-understood for large, sparse, simple graphs: the expected number of edges between nodes $i$ and $j$ is roughly $\frac{d_id_j}{\sum_\ell{d_\ell}}$. Many network data sets are ne...

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