November 6, 2012
Similar papers 2
May 15, 1995
Lecture notes. Introduction to the cohomology of algebras, Lie algebras, Lie bialgebras and quantum groups. Contains a new derivation of the classification of classical r-matrices in terms of deformation cohomology, and a calculation of the esoteric forms of quantum gl(N) by deformation theory.
October 20, 2010
Beginning with the data of a quiver Q, and its dimension vector d, we construct an algebra D_q=D_q(Mat_d(Q)), which is a flat q-deformation of the algebra of differential operators on the affine space Mat_d(Q). The algebra D_q is equivariant for an action by a product of quantum general linear groups, acting by conjugation at each vertex. We construct a quantum moment map for this action, and subsequently define the Hamiltonian reduction A^lambda_d(Q) of D_q with moment param...
May 2, 2018
We study quantum geometry of Nakajima quiver varieties of two different types - framed A-type quivers and ADHM quivers. While these spaces look completely different we find a surprising connection between equivariant K-theories thereof with a nontrivial match between their equivariant parameters. In particular, we demonstrate that quantum equivariant K-theory of $A_n$ quiver varieties in a certain $n\to\infty$ limit reproduces equivariant K-theory of the Hilbert scheme of poi...
June 13, 2022
In this note, we study possible $\mathcal{R}$-matrix constructions in the context of quiver Yangians and Yang-Baxter algebras. For generalized conifolds, we also discuss the relations between the quiver Yangians and some other Yangian algebras (and $\mathcal{W}$-algebras) in literature.
April 24, 2015
The purpose of this thesis is to present certain viewpoints on the geometric representation theory of Nakajima cyclic quiver varieties, in relation to the Maulik-Okounkov stable basis. Our main technical tool is the shuffle algebra, which arises as the K-theoretic Hall algebra of the double cyclic quiver. We prove the isomorphism between the shuffle algebra and the quantum toroidal algebra U_{q,t}(sl_n^^), and identify the quotients of Verma modules for the shuffle algebra wi...
July 9, 2006
Affine quantum groups are certain pseudo-quasitriangular Hopf algebras that arise in mathematical physics in the context of integrable quantum field theory, integrable quantum spin chains, and solvable lattice models. They provide the algebraic framework behind the spectral parameter dependent Yang-Baxter equation. One can distinguish three classes of affine quantum groups, each leading to a different dependence of the R-matrices on the spectral parameter: Yangians lead to ...
November 21, 1996
The search for elliptic quantum groups leads to a modified quantum Yang-Baxter relation and to a special class of quasi-triangular quasi Hopf algebras. This paper calculates deformations of standard quantum groups (with or without spectral parameter) in the category of quasi-Hopf algebras. An earlier investigation of the deformations of quantum groups, in the category of Hopf algebras, showed that quantum groups are generically rigid: Hopf algebra deformations exist only unde...
November 4, 2004
Framed quiver moduli parametrize stable pairs consisting of a quiver representation and a map to a fixed graded vector space. Geometric properties and explicit realizations of framed quiver moduli for quivers without oriented cycles are derived, with emphasis on their cohomology. Their use for quantum group constructions is discussed.
May 30, 2017
We define quantum equivariant K-theory of Nakajima quiver varieties. We discuss type A in detail as well as its connections with quantum XXZ spin chains and trigonometric Ruijsenaars-Schneider models. Finally we study a limit which produces a K-theoretic version of results of Givental and Kim, connecting quantum geometry of flag varieties and Toda lattice.
August 4, 2017
We define a sheafified elliptic quantum group for any symmetric Kac-Moody Lie algebra. This definition is naturally obtained from the elliptic cohomological Hall algebra of a preprojective algebra. The sheafified elliptic quantum group is an algebra object in a certain monoidal category of coherent sheaves on the colored Hilbert scheme of an elliptic curve. We show that the elliptic quantum group acts on the equivariant elliptic cohomology of Nakajima quiver varieties. This...