ID: 1212.4892

Edge-Fault Tolerance of Hypercube-like Networks

December 20, 2012

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Xiang-Jun Li, Jun-Ming Xu

This paper considers a kind of generalized measure $\lambda_s^{(h)}$ of fault tolerance in a hypercube-like graph $G_n$ which contain several well-known interconnection networks such as hypercubes, varietal hypercubes, twisted cubes, crossed cubes and M\"obius cubes, and proves $\lambda_s^{(h)}(G_n)= 2^h(n-h)$ for any $h$ with $0\leqslant h\leqslant n-1$ by the induction on $n$ and a new technique. This result shows that at least $2^h(n-h)$ edges of $G_n$ have to be removed to get a disconnected graph that contains no vertices of degree less than $h$. Compared with previous results, this result enhances fault-tolerant ability of the above-mentioned networks theoretically.

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Generalized Measures of Fault Tolerance in Exchanged Hypercubes

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On conditional fault tolerance of hierarchical cubic networks

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Edge-fault-tolerance about the SM-{\lambda} property of hypercube-like networks

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Generalized Measures of Edge Fault Tolerance in (n,k)-star Graphs

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90% Match
Xiang-Jun Li, Jun-Ming Xu

This paper considers a kind of generalized measure $\lambda_s^{(h)}$ of fault tolerance in the $(n,k)$-star graph $S_{n,k}$ for $2\leqslant k \leqslant n-1$ and $0\leqslant h \leqslant n-k$, and determines $\lambda_s^{(h)}(S_{n,k})=\min\{(n-h-1)(h+1), (n-k+1)(k-1)\}$, which implies that at least $\min\{(n-k+1)(k-1),(n-h-1)(h+1)\}$ edges of $S_{n,k}$ have to remove to get a disconnected graph that contains no vertices of degree less than $h$. This result shows that the $(n,k)$...

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On $g$-Extra Connectivity of Hypercube-like Networks

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Hamiltonian Connectivity of Twisted Hypercube-Like Networks under the Large Fault Model

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89% Match
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Distributed, Parallel, and C...

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Generalized Measures of Fault Tolerance in (n,k)-star Graphs

April 6, 2012

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Xiang-Jun Li, Jun-Ming Xu

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