ID: 1212.4892

Edge-Fault Tolerance of Hypercube-like Networks

December 20, 2012

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Hybrid Fault diagnosis capability analysis of Hypercubes under the PMC model and MM* model

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System level diagnosis is an important approach for the fault diagnosis of multiprocessor systems. In system level diagnosis, diagnosability is an important measure of the diagnosis capability of interconnection networks. But as a measure, diagnosability can not reflect the diagnosis capability of multiprocessor systems to link faults which may occur in real circumstances. In this paper, we propose the definition of $h$-edge tolerable diagnosability to better measure the diag...

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Component Edge Connectivity of Hypercube-like Networks

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As a generalization of the traditional connectivity, the g-component edge connectivity c{\lambda}g(G) of a non-complete graph G is the minimum number of edges to be deleted from the graph G such that the resulting graph has at least g components. Hypercube-like networks (HL-networks for short) are obtained by manipulating some pairs of edges in hypercubes, which contain several famous interconnection networks such as twisted cubes, Mobius cubes, crossed cubes, locally twisted...

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Structure and substructure connectivity of balanced hypercubes

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The connectivity of a network directly signifies its reliability and fault-tolerance. Structure and substructure connectivity are two novel generalizations of the connectivity. Let $H$ be a subgraph of a connected graph $G$. The structure connectivity (resp. substructure connectivity) of $G$, denoted by $\kappa(G;H)$ (resp. $\kappa^s(G;H)$), is defined to be the minimum cardinality of a set $F$ of connected subgraphs in $G$, if exists, whose removal disconnects $G$ and each e...

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Fault-tolerant analysis of augmented cubes

April 19, 2012

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Meijie Ma, Yaxing Song, Jun-Ming Xu

The augmented cube $AQ_n$, proposed by Choudum and Sunitha [S. A. Choudum, V. Sunitha, Augmented cubes, Networks 40 (2) (2002) 71-84], is a $(2n-1)$-regular $(2n-1)$-connected graph $(n\ge 4)$. This paper determines that the 2-extra connectivity of $AQ_n$ is $6n-17$ for $n\geq 9$ and the 2-extra edge-connectivity is $6n-9$ for $n\geq 4$. That is, for $n\geq 9$ (respectively, $n\geq 4$), at least $6n-17$ vertices (respectively, $6n-9$ edges) of $AQ_n$ have to be removed to get...

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The Component Diagnosability of General Networks

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Distributed, Parallel, and C...
Discrete Mathematics

The processor failures in a multiprocessor system have a negative impact on its distributed computing efficiency. Because of the rapid expansion of multiprocessor systems, the importance of fault diagnosis is becoming increasingly prominent. The $h$-component diagnosability of $G$, denoted by $ct_{h}(G)$, is the maximum number of nodes of the faulty set $F$ that is correctly identified in a system, and the number of components in $G-F$ is at least $h$. In this paper, we deter...

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P_k and C_k structure and substructure connectivity of hypercubes

February 24, 2020

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Yihan Chen, Bicheng Zhang

Hypercube is one of the most important networks to interconnect processors in multiprocessor computer systems. Different kinds of connectivities are important parameters to measure the fault tolerability of networks. Lin et al.\cite{LinStructure} introduced the concept of $H$-structure connectivity $\kappa(Q_n;H)$ (resp. $H$-substructure connectivity $\kappa^s(Q_n;H)$) as the minimum cardinality of $F=\{H_1,\dots,H_m\}$ such that $H_i (i=1,\dots,m)$ is isomorphic to $H$ (resp...

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Menger-type connectivity of line graphs of faulty hypercubes

February 11, 2022

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Huanshen Jia, Jianguo Qian

A connected graph $G$ is called strongly Menger edge connected if $G$ has min\{deg$_G(x)$, deg$_G(y)$\} edge-disjoint paths between any two distinct vertices $x$ and $y$ in $G$. In this paper, we consider two types of strongly Menger edge connectivity of the line graphs of $n$-dimensional hypercube-like networks with faulty edges, namely the $m$-edge-fault-tolerant and $m$-conditional edge-fault-tolerant strongly Menger edge connectivity. We show that the line graph of any $n...

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Reliability evaluation of folded hypercubes in terms of component connectivity

March 4, 2018

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Shuli Zhao, Weihua Yang

The component connectivity is the generalization of connectivity which is an parameter for the reliability evaluation of interconnection networks. The $g$-component connectivity $c\kappa_{g}(G)$ of a non-complete connected graph $G$ is the minimum number of vertices whose deletion results in a graph with at least $g$ components. The results in [Component connectivity of the hypercubes, International Journal of Computer Mathematics 89 (2012) 137-145] by Hsu et al. determines t...

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3-extra connectivity of 3-ary n-cube networks

September 19, 2013

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Meimei Gu, Rongxia Hao
Discrete Mathematics

Let G be a connected graph and S be a set of vertices. The h-extra connectivity of G is the cardinality of a minimum set S such that G-S is disconnected and each component of G-S has at least h+1 vertices. The h-extra connectivity is an important parameter to measure the reliability and fault tolerance ability of large interconnection networks. The h-extra connectivity for h=1,2 of k-ary n-cube are gotten by Hsieh et al. in [Theoretical Computer Science, 443 (2012) 63-69] for...

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The $g$-good neighbour diagnosability of hierarchical cubic networks

November 30, 2018

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Shu-Li Zhao, Rong-Xia Hao

Let $G=(V, E)$ be a connected graph, a subset $S\subseteq V(G)$ is called an $R^{g}$-vertex-cut of $G$ if $G-F$ is disconnected and any vertex in $G-F$ has at least $g$ neighbours in $G-F$. The $R^{g}$-vertex-connectivity is the size of the minimum $R^{g}$-vertex-cut and denoted by $\kappa^{g}(G)$. Many large-scale multiprocessor or multi-computer systems take interconnection networks as underlying topologies. Fault diagnosis is especially important to identify fault tolerabi...

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