ID: 1310.5445

Nonlinear Localization in Metamaterials

October 21, 2013

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N. Lazarides, G. P. Tsironis
Condensed Matter
Materials Science

Metamaterials, i.e., artificially structured ("synthetic") media comprising weakly coupled discrete elements, exhibit extraordinary properties and they hold a great promise for novel applications including super-resolution imaging, cloaking, hyperlensing, and optical transformation. Nonlinearity adds a new degree of freedom for metamaterial design that allows for tuneability and multistability, properties that may offer altogether new functionalities and electromagnetic characteristics. The combination of discreteness and nonlinearity may lead to intrinsic localization of the type of discrete breather in metallic, SQUID-based, and ${\cal PT}-$symmetric metamaterials. We review recent results demonstrating the generic appearance of breather excitations in these systems resulting from power-balance between intrinsic losses and input power, either by proper initialization or by purely dynamical procedures. Breather properties peculiar to each particular system are identified and discussed. Recent progress in the fabrication of low-loss, active and superconducting metamaterials, makes the experimental observation of breathers in principle possible with the proposed dynamical procedures.

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Dissipative discrete breathers in rf SQUID metamaterials

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On a two-dimensional planar parity-time-($\mathcal{PT}$-)symmetric nonlinear magnetic metamaterial, consisting of split-ring dimers with balanced gain and loss, discrete breather solutions can be found. We extend these studies and by numerical calculations reveal the existence of further stable, long-lived oscillations, with certain frequencies, in the breather spectrum. We describe these oscillations in terms of an analytical breather theory, and show that they can be interp...

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SQUID Metamaterials on a Lieb lattice: From flat-band to nonlinear localization

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N. Lazarides, G. P. Tsironis
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The dynamic equations for the fluxes through the SQUIDs that form a two-dimensional metamamaterial on a Lieb lattice are derived, and then linearized around zero flux to obtain the linear frequency spectrum according to the standard procedure. That spectrum, due to the Lieb lattice geometry, possesses a frequency band structure exhibiting two characteristic features; two dispersive bands, which form a Dirac cone at the corners of the first Brillouin zone, and a flat band cros...

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Superconducting Metamaterials

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86% Match
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Discrete breathers in nonlinear magnetic metamaterials

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Gain-Driven Discrete Breathers in PT-Symmetric Nonlinear Metamaterials

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86% Match
N. Lazarides, G. P. Tsironis
Materials Science
Pattern Formation and Solito...

We introduce a one dimensional parity-time (PT)-symmetric nonlinear magnetic metamaterial consisted of split ring dimers having both gain and loss. When nonlinearity is absent we find a transition between an exact to a broken PT-phase; in the former the system features a two band gapped spectrum with shape determined by the gain and loss coefficients as well as the inter-unit coupling. In the presence of nonlinearity we show numerically that as a result of the gain/dissipatio...

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Classical and quantum nonlinear localized excitations in discrete systems

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