ID: 2405.10562

Non-reciprocal breathing solitons

May 17, 2024

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Martin Brandenbourger, Oleksandr Gamayun, Jonas Veenstra, Gorp Freek van, Hans Terwisscha-Dekker, Jean-Sébastien Caux, Corentin Coulais
Condensed Matter
Nonlinear Sciences
Soft Condensed Matter
Materials Science
Pattern Formation and Solito...

Breathing solitons consist of a fast beating wave within a compact envelope of stable shape and velocity. They manifest themselves in a variety of contexts such as plasmas, optical fibers and cold atoms, but have remained elusive when energy conservation is broken. Here, we report on the observation of breathing, unidirectional, arbitrarily long-lived solitons in non-reciprocal, non-conservative active metamaterials. Combining precision desktop experiments, numerical simulations and perturbation theory on generalizations of the sine-Gordon and nonlinear Schr\"odinger equations, we demonstrate that unidirectional breathers generically emerge in weakly nonlinear non-reciprocal materials, and that their dynamics are governed by an unstable fixed point. Crucially, breathing solitons can persist for arbitrarily long times provided: (i) this fixed point displays a bifurcation upon reachin a delicate balance between energy injection and dissipation; (ii) the initial conditions allow the dynamics to reach this bifurcation point. Our work establishes non-reciprocity as a promising avenue to generate stable nonlinear unidirectional waves, and could be generalized beyond metamaterials to optics, soft matter and superconducting circuits.

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