November 7, 2013
String-net models allow us to systematically construct and classify 2+1D topologically ordered states which can have gapped boundaries. We can use a simple ideal string-net wavefunction, which is described by a set of F-matrices [or more precisely, a unitary fusion category (UFC)], to study all the universal properties of such a topological order. In this paper, we describe a finite computational method -- Q-algebra approach, that allows us to compute the non-Abelian statistics of the topological excitations [or more precisely, the unitary modular tensor category (UMTC)], from the string-net wavefunction (or the UFC). We discuss several examples, including the topological phases described by twisted gauge theory (i.e., twisted quantum double $D^\alpha(G)$). Our result can also be viewed from an angle of holographic bulk-boundary relation. The 1+1D anomalous topological orders, that can appear as edges of 2+1D topological states, are classified by UFCs which describe the fusion of quasiparticles in 1+1D. The 1+1D anomalous edge topological order uniquely determines the 2+1D bulk topological order (which are classified by UMTC). Our method allows us to compute this bulk topological order (i.e., the UMTC) from the anomalous edge topological order (i.e., the UFC).
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