November 7, 2013
Similar papers 2
October 25, 2021
We construct topological quantum field theories (TQFTs) and commuting projector Hamiltonians for any 1+1d gapped phases with non-anomalous fusion category symmetries, i.e. finite symmetries that admit SPT phases. The construction is based on two-dimensional state sum TQFT whose input datum is an $H$-simple left $H$-comodule algebra, where $H$ is a finite dimensional semisimple Hopf algebra. We show that the actions of fusion category symmetries $\mathcal{C}$ on the boundary c...
January 25, 2018
In this paper, we classify EF topological orders for 3+1D bosonic systems where some emergent pointlike excitations are fermions. (1) We argue that all 3+1D bosonic topological orders have gappable boundary. (2) All the pointlike excitations in EF topological orders are described by the representations of $G_f=Z_2^f\leftthreetimes_{e_2} G_b$ -- a $Z_2^f$ central extension of a finite group $G_b$ characterized by $e_2\in H^2(G_b,Z_2)$. (3) We find that the EF topological order...
February 18, 2016
Gapped quantum liquids (GQL) include both topologically ordered states (with long range entanglement) and symmetry protected topological (SPT) states (with short range entanglement). In this paper, we propose a classification of 2+1D GQL for both bosonic and fermionic systems: 2+1D bosonic/fermionic GQLs with finite on-site symmetry are classified by non-degenerate unitary braided fusion categories over a symmetric fusion category (SFC) $\cal E$, abbreviated as $\text{UMTC}_{...
May 27, 2024
We prove the conjectured classification of topological phases in two spatial dimensions with gappable boundary, in a simplified setting. Two gapped ground states of lattice Hamiltonians are in the same quantum phase of matter, or topological phase, if they can be connected by a constant-depth quantum circuit. It is conjectured that the Levin-Wen string-net models exhaust all possible gapped phases with gappable boundary, and these phases are labeled by unitary modular tensor ...
April 15, 2020
The Levin-Wen model of string-net condensation explains how topological phases emerge from the microscopic degrees of freedom of a physical system. However, the original construction is not applicable to all unitary fusion category since some additional symmetries for the $F$-symbols are imposed. In particular, the so-called tetrahedral symmetry is not fulfilled by many interesting unitary fusion categories. In this paper, we present a generalized construction of the Levin-We...
November 24, 2020
We introduce a systematic mathematical language for describing fixed point models and apply it to the study to topological phases of matter. The framework is reminiscent of state-sum models and lattice topological quantum field theories, but is formalised and unified in terms of tensor networks. In contrast to existing tensor network ansatzes for the study of ground states of topologically ordered phases, the tensor networks in our formalism represent discrete path integrals ...
October 12, 2021
Topological orders are a class of phases of matter that beyond the Landau symmetry breaking paradigm. The two (spatial) dimensional (2d) topological orders have been thoroughly studied. It is known that they can be fully classified by a unitary modular tensor category (UMTC) and a chiral central charge c. And a class of 2d topological orders whose boundary are gappable can be systematically constructed by Levin-Wen model whose ground states are string-net condensed states. Pr...
December 28, 2020
We describe how to construct generalized string-net models, a class of exactly solvable lattice models that realize a large family of 2D topologically ordered phases of matter. The ground states of these models can be thought of as superpositions of different "string-net configurations", where each string-net configuration is a trivalent graph with labeled edges, drawn in the $xy$ plane. What makes this construction more general than the original string-net construction is th...
January 4, 2018
This thesis aims at concluding the classification results for topological phases with symmetry in 2+1 dimensions. The main result is that topological phases are classified by a triple of unitary braided fusion categories $\mathcal E\subset\mathcal C\subset\mathcal M$ plus the chiral central charge $c$. Here $\mathcal E$ is a symmetric fusion category, $\mathcal E=\mathrm{Rep}(G)$ for boson systems or $\mathcal E=\mathrm{sRep}(G^f)$ for fermion systems, consisting of the repre...
June 30, 2010
We investigate the duality structure of quantum lattice systems with topological order, a collective order also appearing in fractional quantum Hall systems. We define electromagnetic (EM) duality for all of Kitaev's quantum double models based on discrete gauge theories with Abelian and non-Abelian groups, and identify its natural habitat as a new class of topological models based on Hopf algebras. We interpret these as extended string-net models, whereupon Levin and Wen's s...