ID: 1410.2227

Gauge Theories and Dessins d'Enfants: Beyond the Torus

October 8, 2014

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Calabi-Yau Varieties: from Quiver Representations to Dessins d'Enfants

November 28, 2016

84% Match
Yang-Hui He
Algebraic Geometry
Mathematical Physics
Number Theory

The connections amongst (1) quivers whose representation varieties are Calabi-Yau, (2) the combinatorics of bipartite graphs on Riemann surfaces, and (3) the geometry of mirror symmetry have engendered a rich subject at whose heart is the physics of gauge/string theories. We review the various parts of this intricate story in some depth, for a mathematical audience without assumption of any knowledge of physics, emphasizing a plethora of results residing at the intersection...

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Elliptic genera of pure gauge theories in two dimensions with semisimple non-simply-connected gauge groups

September 8, 2020

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R. Eager, E. Sharpe
High Energy Physics - Theory

In this paper we describe a systematic method to compute elliptic genera of (2,2) supersymmetric gauge theories in two dimensions with gauge group G/Gamma (for G semisimple and simply-connected, Gamma a subgroup of the center of G) with various discrete theta angles. We apply the technique to examples of pure gauge theories with low-rank gauge groups. Our results are consistent with expectations from decomposition of two-dimensional theories with finite global one-form symmet...

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2d (0,2) Gauge Theories from Branes: Recent Progress in Brane Brick Models

February 10, 2024

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Sebastián Franco
High Energy Physics - Theory

We discuss the realization of $2d$ $(0,2)$ gauge theories in terms of branes focusing on Brane Brick Models, which are T-dual to D1-branes probing toric Calabi-Yau 4-folds. These brane setups fully encode the infinite class of $2d$ $(0,2)$ quiver gauge theories on the worldvolume of the D1-branes and substantially streamline their connection to the probed geometries. We review various methods for efficiently generating Brane Brick Models. These algorithms are then used to con...

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Geometric Engineering in Toric F-Theory and GUTs with U(1) Gauge Factors

June 3, 2013

84% Match
Volker Braun, Thomas W. Grimm, Jan Keitel
High Energy Physics - Theory

An algorithm to systematically construct all Calabi-Yau elliptic fibrations realized as hypersurfaces in a toric ambient space for a given base and gauge group is described. This general method is applied to the particular question of constructing SU(5) GUTs with multiple U(1) gauge factors. The basic data consists of a top over each toric divisor in the base together with compactification data giving the embedding into a reflexive polytope. The allowed choices of compactific...

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Toric Geometry, Enhanced non Simply laced Gauge Symmetries in Superstrings and F-theory Compactifications

December 15, 2000

84% Match
A. Belhaj, E. H Saidi
High Energy Physics - Theory

We study the geometric engineering of supersymmetric quantum field theories (QFT), with non simply laced gauge groups, obtained from superstring and F-theory compactifications on local Calabi-Yau manifolds. First we review the main lines of the toric method for ALE spaces with ADE singularities which we extend to non simply laced ordinary and affine singularities. Then, we develop two classes of solutions depending on the two possible realisations of the outer-automorphism gr...

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Dimers and Orientifolds

July 3, 2007

84% Match
Sebastian Franco, Amihay Hanany, Daniel Krefl, Jaemo Park, ... , Vegh David
High Energy Physics - Theory

We introduce new techniques based on brane tilings to investigate D3-branes probing orientifolds of toric Calabi-Yau singularities. With these new tools, one can write down many orientifold models and derive the resulting low-energy gauge theories living on the D-branes. Using the set of ideas in this paper one recovers essentially all orientifolded theories known so far. Furthermore, new orientifolds of non-orbifold toric singularities are obtained. The possible applications...

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Brane Dimers and Quiver Gauge Theories

April 13, 2005

84% Match
Sebastian Franco, Amihay Hanany, Kristian D. Kennaway, ... , Wecht Brian
High Energy Physics - Theory

We describe a technique which enables one to quickly compute an infinite number of toric geometries and their dual quiver gauge theories. The central object in this construction is a ``brane tiling,'' which is a collection of D5-branes ending on an NS5-brane wrapping a holomorphic curve that can be represented as a periodic tiling of the plane. This construction solves the longstanding problem of computing superpotentials for D-branes probing a singular non-compact toric Cala...

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Double Handled Brane Tilings

May 15, 2013

84% Match
Stefano Cremonesi, Amihay Hanany, Rak-Kyeong Seong
High Energy Physics - Theory

We classify the first few brane tilings on a genus 2 Riemann surface and identify their toric Calabi-Yau moduli spaces. These brane tilings are extensions of tilings on the 2-torus, which represent one of the largest known classes of 4d N=1 superconformal field theories for D3-branes. The classification consists of 16 distinct genus 2 brane tilings with up to 8 quiver fields and 4 superpotential terms. The Higgs mechanism is used to relate the different theories.

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2d (0,2) Quiver Gauge Theories and D-Branes

June 11, 2015

84% Match
Sebastian Franco, Dongwook Ghim, Sangmin Lee, ... , Yokoyama Daisuke
High Energy Physics - Theory

We initiate a systematic study of 2d (0,2) quiver gauge theories on the worldvolume of D1-branes probing singular toric Calabi-Yau 4-folds. We present an algorithm for efficiently calculating the classical mesonic moduli spaces of these theories, which correspond to the probed geometries. We also introduce a systematic procedure for constructing the gauge theories for arbitrary toric singularities by means of partial resolution, which translates to higgsing in the field theor...

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Brane Brick Models, Toric Calabi-Yau 4-Folds and 2d (0,2) Quivers

October 6, 2015

84% Match
Sebastian Franco, Sangmin Lee, Rak-Kyeong Seong
Algebraic Geometry
Mathematical Physics

We introduce brane brick models, a novel type of Type IIA brane configurations consisting of D4-branes ending on an NS5-brane. Brane brick models are T-dual to D1-branes over singular toric Calabi-Yau 4-folds. They fully encode the infinite class of 2d (generically) N=(0,2) gauge theories on the worldvolume of the D1-branes and streamline their connection to the probed geometries. For this purpose, we also introduce new combinatorial procedures for deriving the Calabi-Yau ass...

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