ID: 1502.01490

Bootstrap percolation on a graph with random and local connections

February 5, 2015

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Tatyana Turova, Thomas Vallier

Let $G_{n,p}^1$ be a superposition of the random graph $G_{n,p}$ and a one-dimensional lattice: the $n$ vertices are set to be on a ring with fixed edges between the consecutive vertices, and with random independent edges given with probability $p$ between any pair of vertices. Bootstrap percolation on a random graph is a process of spread of "activation" on a given realisation of the graph with a given number of initially active nodes. At each step those vertices which have not been active but have at least $r \geq 2$ active neighbours become active as well. We study the size of the final active set in the limit when $n\rightarrow \infty $. The parameters of the model are $n$, the size $A_0=A_0(n)$ of the initially active set and the probability $p=p(n)$ of the edges in the graph. Bootstrap percolation process on $G_{n,p}$ was studied earlier. Here we show that the addition of $n$ local connections to the graph $G_{n,p}$ leads to a more narrow critical window for the phase transition, preserving however, the critical scaling of parameters known for the model on $G_{n,p}$. We discover a range of parameters which yields percolation on $G_{n,p}^1$ but not on $G_{n,p}$.

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