ID: 1504.01354

Solutions of polynomial equation over $\mathbb{F}_p$ and new bounds of additive energy

March 26, 2015

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Ilya Vyugin, Sergey Makarychev
Number Theory

We present a new proof of Corvaja and Zannier's \cite{C-Z} the upper bound of the number of solutions $(x,y)$ of the algebraic equation $P(x,y)=0$ over a field $\mathbb{F}_p$ ($p$ is a prime), in the case, where $x\in g_1G$, $y\in g_2G$, ($g_1G$, $g_2G$ -- are cosets by some subgroup $G$ of a multiplicative group $\mathbb{F}_p^*$). The estimate of Corvaja and Zannier was improved in average, and some applications of it has been obtained. In particular we present the new bounds of additive and polynomial energy.

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Polynomial Equations in Subgroups and Applications

May 11, 2020

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Sergei V. Konyagin, Igor E. Shparlinski, Ilya V. Vyugin
Number Theory

We obtain a new bound for the number of solutions to polynomial equations in cosets of multiplicative subgroups in finite fields, which generalises previous results of P. Corvaja and U. Zannier (2013). We also obtain a conditional improvement of recent results of J. Bourgain, A. Gamburd and P. Sarnak (2016) and S. V. Konyagin, S. V. Makarychev, I. E. Shparlinski and I. V. Vyugin (2019) on the structure of solutions to the reduction of the Markoff equation $x^2 + y^2 + z^2 = 3...

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Sparsity of curves and additive and multiplicative expansion of rational maps over finite fields

March 6, 2018

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László Mérai, Igor E. Shparlinski
Number Theory

For a prime $p$ and a polynomial $F(X,Y)$ over a finite field $\mathbb{F}_p$ of $p$ elements, we give upper bounds on the number of solutions $$ F(x,y)=0, \quad x\in\mathcal{A}, \ y\in \mathcal{B}, $$ where $\mathcal{A}$ and $\mathcal{B}$ are very small intervals or subgroups. These bounds can be considered as positive characteristic analogues of the result of Bombieri and Pila (1989) on sparsity of integral points on curves. As an application we prove that distinct consecuti...

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Points on curves in small boxes en applications

November 7, 2011

84% Match
Mei-Chu Chang, Javier Cilleruelo, Moubariz Z. Garaev, José Hernández, ... , Zumalacárregui Ana
Number Theory

We introduce several new methods to obtain upper bounds on the number of solutions of the congruences $f(x) \equiv y \pmod p$ and $f(x) \equiv y^2 \pmod p,$ with a prime $p$ and a polynomial $f$, where $(x,y)$ belongs to an arbitrary square with side length $M$. We use these results and methods to derive non-trivial upper bounds for the number of hyperelliptic curves $Y^2=X^{2g+1} + a_{2g-1}X^{2g-1} +...+ a_1X+a_0$ over the finite field $\F_p$ of $p$ elements, with coefficien...

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On some polynomial version on the sum-product problem for subgroups

August 19, 2020

84% Match
Sofia Aleshina, Ilya Vyugin
Number Theory

We generalize two results about subgroups of multiplicative group of finite field of prime order. In particular, the lower bound on the cardinality of the set of values of polynomial $P(x,y)$ is obtained under the certain conditions, if variables $x$ and $y$ belong to a subgroup $G$ of the multiplicative group of the filed of residues. Also the paper contains a proof of the result that states that if a subgroup $G$ can be presented as a set of values of the polynomial $P(x,y)...

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Some multiplicative equations in finite fields

March 21, 2019

84% Match
Bryce Kerr
Number Theory

In this paper we consider estimating the number of solutions to multiplicative equations in finite fields when the variables run through certain sets with high additive structure. In particular, we consider estimating the multiplicative energy of generalized arithmetic progressions in prime fields and of boxes in arbitrary finite fields and obtain sharp bounds in more general scenarios than previously known. Our arguments extend some ideas of Konyagin and Bourgain and Chang i...

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Low-energy decomposition results over finite fields

February 2, 2021

84% Match
Ali Mohammadi, Sophie Stevens
Number Theory

We prove various low-energy decomposition results, showing that we can decompose a finite set $A\subset \mathbb{F}_p$ satisfying $|A|<p^{5/8}$, into $A = S\sqcup T$ so that, for a non-degenerate quadratic $f\in \mathbb{F}_p[x,y]$, we have \[ |\{(s_1,s_2,s_3,s_4)\in S^4 : s_1 + s_2 = s_3 + s_4\}| \ll |A|^{3 - \frac15 + \varepsilon} \] and \[ |\{(t_1,t_2,t_3,t_4)\in T^4 : f(t_1, t_2) = f(t_3, t_4)\}|\ll |A|^{3 - \frac15 + \varepsilon}\,. \] Variations include extend...

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On the Solutions of the Diophantine Equation $x^n + y^n = z^n$ In the Finite Fields $\mathbb{Z}_p$

January 9, 2020

83% Match
Silvia R. Valdes, Yelena Shvets
Number Theory

Let $p$ be a prime integer, $\mathbb{Z}_p$ the finite field of order $p$ and $\mathbb{Z}^{*}_{p}$ is its multiplicative cyclic group. We consider the Diophantine equation $x^n + y^n = z^n$ with $1 \leq n \leq \frac{p - 1}{2}$. Our main aim in this paper is to give optimal conditions or relationships between the exponent $n$ and the prime $p$ to determine the existence of nontrivial solutions of the diophantine equation $x^n + y^n = z^n$ with $1 \leq n \leq p -1 $, in finite f...

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A short note on the multiplicative energy of the spectrum of a set

May 26, 2018

83% Match
Ilya D. Shkredov
Number Theory

We obtain an upper bound for the multiplicative energy of the spectrum of an arbitrary set from $\mathbb{F}_p$, which is the best possible up to the results on exponential sums over subgroups.

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On multiplicative energy of subsets of varieties

January 24, 2021

83% Match
Ilya D. Shkredov
Algebraic Geometry
Classical Analysis and ODEs
Number Theory

We obtain a non--trivial upper bound for the multiplicative energy of any sufficiently large subset of a subvariety of a finite algebraic group. We also find some applications of our results to growth of conjugates classes, estimates of exponential sums and the restriction phenomenon.

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A new sum-product estimate in prime fields

July 29, 2018

83% Match
Changhao Chen, Bryce Kerr, Ali Mohammadi
Number Theory

In this paper we obtain a new sum-product estimate in prime fields. In particular, we show that if $A\subseteq \mathbb{F}_p$ satisfies $|A|\le p^{64/117}$ then $$ \max\{|A\pm A|, |AA|\} \gtrsim |A|^{39/32}. $$ Our argument builds on and improves some recent results of Shakan and Shkredov which use the eigenvalue method to reduce to estimating a fourth moment energy and the additive energy $E^+(P)$ of some subset $P\subseteq A+A$. Our main novelty comes from reducing the estim...

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