ID: 1504.01354

Solutions of polynomial equation over $\mathbb{F}_p$ and new bounds of additive energy

March 26, 2015

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A lower bound for |{a+b: a\in A, b\in B, P(a,b)\not=0}|

October 29, 2006

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Hao Pan, Zhi-Wei Sun
Number Theory

Let A and B be two finite subsets of a field F. In this paper we provide a nontrivial lower bound for |{a+b: a in A, b in B, and P(a,b) not=0}| where $P(x,y)\in F[x,y]$.

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Average estimate for additive energy in prime field

July 23, 2011

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Alexey Glibichuk
Number Theory

Assume that $A\subseteq \Fp, B\subseteq \Fp^{*}$, $\1/4\leqslant\frac{|B|}{|A|},$ $|A|=p^{\alpha}, |B|=p^{\beta}$. We will prove that for $p\geqslant p_0(\beta)$ one has $$\sum_{b\in B}E_{+}(A, bA)\leqslant 15 p^{-\frac{\min\{\beta, 1-\alpha\}}{308}}|A|^3|B|.$$ Here $E_{+}(A, bA)$ is an additive energy between subset $A$ and it's multiplicative shift $bA$. This improves previously known estimates of this type.

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Bryce Kerr, Ilya D. Shkredov, ... , Zaharescu Alexandru
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We generalise and improve some recent bounds for additive energies of modular roots. Our arguments use a variety of techniques, including those from additive combinatorics, algebraic number theory and the geometry of numbers. We give applications of these results to new bounds on correlations between {\it Sali{\'e}} sums and to a new equidistribution estimate for the set of modular roots of primes.

Additive combinatorics with a view towards computer science and cryptography: An exposition

August 18, 2011

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Khodakhast Bibak
Cryptography and Security
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Recently, additive combinatorics has blossomed into a vibrant area in mathematical sciences. But it seems to be a difficult area to define - perhaps because of a blend of ideas and techniques from several seemingly unrelated contexts which are used there. One might say that additive combinatorics is a branch of mathematics concerning the study of combinatorial properties of algebraic objects, for instance, Abelian groups, rings, or fields. This emerging field has seen tremend...

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Identity Testing and Interpolation from High Powers of Polynomials of Large Degree over Finite Fields

August 30, 2017

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Marek Karpinski, Laszlo Mérai, Igor E. Shparlinski
Computational Complexity
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We consider the problem of identity testing and recovering (that is, interpolating) of a "hidden" monic polynomials $f$, given an oracle access to $f(x)^e$ for $x\in\mathbb F_q$, where $\mathbb F_q$ is the finite field of $q$ elements and an extension fields access is not permitted. The naive interpolation algorithm needs $de+1$ queries, where $d =\max\{{\rm deg}\ f, {\rm deg }\ g\}$ and thus requires $ de<q$. For a prime $q = p$, we design an algorithm that is asymptotical...

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Breaking the 6/5 threshold for sums and products modulo a prime

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G. Shakan, I. D. Shkredov
Number Theory

Let $A \subset \mathbb{F}_p$ of size at most $p^{3/5}$. We show $$|A+A| + |AA| \gtrsim |A|^{6/5 + c},$$ for $c = 4/305$. Our main tools are the cartesian product point--line incidence theorem of Stevens and de Zeeuw and the theory of higher energies developed by the second author.

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On the Distribution of Values and Zeros of Polynomial Systems over Arbitrary Sets

October 25, 2012

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Bryce Kerr, Igor E. Shparlinski
Number Theory

Let $G_1,..., G_n \in \Fp[X_1,...,X_m]$ be $n$ polynomials in $m$ variables over the finite field $\Fp$ of $p$ elements. A result of {\'E}. Fouvry and N. M. Katz shows that under some natural condition, for any fixed $\varepsilon$ and sufficiently large prime $p$ the vectors of fractional parts $$ (\{\frac{G_1(\vec{x})}{p}},...,\{\frac{G_n(\vec{x})}{p}}), \qquad \vec{x} \in \Gamma, $$ are uniformly distributed in the unit cube $[0,1]^n$ for any cube $\Gamma \in [0, p-1]^m$ wi...

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Visible Points on Curves over Finite Fields

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Number Theory

For a prime $p$ and an absolutely irreducible modulo $p$ polynomial $f(U,V) \in \Z[U,V]$ we obtain an asymptotic formulas for the number of solutions to the congruence $f(x,y) \equiv a \pmod p$ in positive integers $x \le X$, $y \le Y$, with the additional condition $\gcd(x,y)=1$. Such solutions have a natural interpretation as solutions which are visible from the origin. These formulas are derived on average over $a$ for a fixed prime $p$, and also on average over $p$ for a ...

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Estimation of function's supports under arithmetic constraints

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Norbert Hegyvári

The well-known $|supp(f)||supp(\widehat{f}|\geq |G|$ inequality gives lower estimation of each supports. In the present paper we give upper estimation under arithmetic constrains. The main notion will be the additive energy which plays a central role in additive combinatorics. We prove an uncertainty inequality that shows a trade-off between the total changes of the indicator function of a subset $A\subseteq \mathbb F^n_2$ and the additive energy of $A$ and the Fourier spectr...

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An explicit incidence theorem in F_p

January 12, 2010

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Let $P = A\times A \subset \mathbb{F}_p \times \mathbb{F}_p$, $p$ a prime. Assume that $P= A\times A$ has $n$ elements, $n<p$. See $P$ as a set of points in the plane over $\mathbb{F}_p$. We show that the pairs of points in $P$ determine $\geq c n^{1 + {1/267}}$ lines, where $c$ is an absolute constant. We derive from this an incidence theorem: the number of incidences between a set of $n$ points and a set of $n$ lines in the projective plane over $\F_p$ ($n<\sqrt{p}$) is b...

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