ID: 1512.02710

On the first and second eigenvalue of finite and infinite uniform hypergraphs

December 9, 2015

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Hong-Hai Li, Bojan Mohar

Lower bounds for the first and the second eigenvalue of uniform hypergraphs which are regular and linear are obtained. One of these bounds is a generalization of the Alon-Boppana Theorem to hypergraphs.

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On the spectral radius of nonregular uniform hypergraphs

November 29, 2015

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Jiang Zhou, Lizhu Sun, Changjiang Bu

Let $G$ be a connected uniform hypergraphs with maximum degree $\Delta$, spectral radius $\lambda$ and minimum H-eigenvalue $\mu$. In this paper, we give some lower bounds for $\Delta-\lambda$, which extend the result of [S.M. Cioab\u{a}, D.A. Gregory, V. Nikiforov, Extreme eigenvalues of nonregular graphs, J. Combin. Theory, Ser. B 97 (2007) 483-486] to hypergraphs. Applying these bounds, we also obtain a lower bound for $\Delta+\mu$.

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Principal eigenvector and spectral radius of uniform hypergraphs

May 27, 2016

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Haifeng Li, Jiang Zhou, Changjiang Bu

In this paper, we give some bounds for principal eigenvector and spectral radius of connected uniform hypergraphs in terms of vertex degrees, the diameter, and the number of vertices and edges.

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Principal eigenvectors of general hypergraphs

August 31, 2019

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Kauê Cardoso, Vilmar Trevisan
Spectral Theory

In this paper we obtain bounds for the extreme entries of the principal eigenvector of hypergraphs; these bounds are computed using the spectral radius and some classical parameters such as maximum and minimum degrees. We also study inequalities involving the ratio and difference between the two extreme entries of this vector.

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Some bounds on the eigenvalues of uniform hypergraphs

February 17, 2015

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Xiying Yuan, Man Zhang, Mei Lu

Let $\mathcal{H}$ be a uniform hypergraph. Let $\mathcal{A(H)}$ and $\mathcal{Q(H)}$ be the adjacency tensor and the signless Laplacian tensor of $\mathcal{H}$, respectively. In this note we prove several bounds for the spectral radius of $\mathcal{A(H)}$ and $\mathcal{Q(H)}$ in terms of the degrees of vertices of $\mathcal{H}.$

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Analytic methods for uniform hypergraphs

August 7, 2013

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Vladimir Nikiforov

This paper develops analityc methods for investigating uniform hypergraphs. Its starting point is the spectral theory of 2-graphs, in particular, the largest and the smallest eigenvalues of 2-graphs. On the one hand, this simple setup is extended to weighted r-graphs, and on the other, the eigenvalues-numbers are generalized to eigenvalues-functions, which encompass also other graph parameters like Lagrangians and number of edges. The resulting theory is new even for 2-graphs...

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On the spectrum and linear programming bound for hypergraphs

September 7, 2020

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Sebastian M. Cioabă, Jack H. Koolen, Masato Mimura, ... , Okuda Takayuki
Discrete Mathematics

The spectrum of a graph is closely related to many graph parameters. In particular, the spectral gap of a regular graph which is the difference between its valency and second eigenvalue, is widely seen an algebraic measure of connectivity and plays a key role in the theory of expander graphs. In this paper, we extend previous work done for graphs and bipartite graphs and present a linear programming method for obtaining an upper bound on the order of a regular uniform hypergr...

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The Largest Laplacian and Signless Laplacian H-Eigenvalues of a Uniform Hypergraph

April 4, 2013

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Shenglong Hu, Liqun Qi, Jinshan Xie
Spectral Theory

In this paper, we show that the largest Laplacian H-eigenvalue of a $k$-uniform nontrivial hypergraph is strictly larger than the maximum degree when $k$ is even. A tight lower bound for this eigenvalue is given. For a connected even-uniform hypergraph, this lower bound is achieved if and only if it is a hyperstar. However, when $k$ is odd, it happens that the largest Laplacian H-eigenvalue is equal to the maximum degree, which is a tight lower bound. On the other hand, tight...

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Spectral bounds for non-uniform hypergraphs using weighted clique expansion

August 14, 2018

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Ashwin Guha, Ambedkar Dukkipati

Hypergraphs are an invaluable tool to understand many hidden patterns in large data sets. Among many ways to represent hypergraph, one useful representation is that of weighted clique expansion. In this paper, we consider this representation for non-uniform hypergraphs. We generalize the spectral results for uniform hypergraphs to non-uniform hypergraphs and show that they extend in a natural way. We provide a bound on the largest eigenvalue with respect to the average degree...

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Normalized Laplacian eigenvalues of hypergraphs

March 23, 2023

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Leyou Xu, Bo Zhou

In this paper, we give tight bounds for the normalized Laplacian eigenvalues of hypergraphs that are not necessarily uniform, and provide edge version interlacing inequalities, Cheeger inequalities, and a discrepancy inequality that are related to the normalized Laplacian eigenvalues for uniform hypergraphs.

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An analytic theory of extremal hypergraph problems

May 6, 2013

89% Match
Vladimir Nikiforov

In this paper extremal problems for uniform hypergraphs are studied in the general setting of hereditary properties. It turns out that extremal problems about edges are particular cases of a general analyic problem about a recently introduced graph parameter. The paper builds a basis for the systematic study of this parameter and illustrates a range of various proof tools. It is shown that extremal problems about the number of edges of uniform hypergraphs are asymptotically e...

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