ID: 1512.02710

On the first and second eigenvalue of finite and infinite uniform hypergraphs

December 9, 2015

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On the $\alpha$-spectral radius of uniform hypergraphs

July 21, 2018

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HaiYan Guo, Bo Zhou

For $0\le\alpha<1$ and a uniform hypergraph $G$, the $\alpha$-spectral radius of $G$ is the largest $H$-eigenvalue of $\alpha \mathcal{D}(G) +(1-\alpha)\mathcal{A}(G)$, where $\mathcal{D}(G)$ and $\mathcal{A}(G)$ are the diagonal tensor of degrees and the adjacency tensor of $G$, respectively. We give upper bounds for the $\alpha$-spectral radius of a uniform hypergraph, propose some transformations that increase the $\alpha$-spectral radius, and determine the unique hypergra...

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On the principal eigenvectors of uniform hypergraphs

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On spectral hypergraph theory of the adjacency tensor

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We study both $H$ and $E/Z$-eigenvalues of the adjacency tensor of a uniform multi-hypergraph and give conditions for which the largest positive $H$ or $Z$-eigenvalue corresponds to a strictly positive eigenvector. We also investigate when the $E$-spectrum of the adjacency tensor is symmetric.

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A Cheeger Cut for Uniform Hypergraphs

November 13, 2020

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Raffaella Mulas
Spectral Theory

The graph Cheeger constant and Cheeger inequalities are generalized to the case of hypergraphs whose edges have the same cardinality. In particular, it is shown that the second largest eigenvalue of the generalized normalized Laplacian is bounded both above and below by the generalized Cheeger constant, and the corresponding eigenfunctions can be used to approximate the Cheeger cut.

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Spectra of random regular hypergraphs

May 16, 2019

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Ioana Dumitriu, Yizhe Zhu

In this paper, we study the spectra of regular hypergraphs following the definitions from Feng and Li (1996). Our main result is an analog of Alon's conjecture for the spectral gap of the random regular hypergraphs. We then relate the second eigenvalues to both its expansion property and the mixing rate of the non-backtracking random walk on regular hypergraphs. We also prove the spectral gap for the non-backtracking operator of a random regular hypergraph introduced in Angel...

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Principal Eigenvector of the Signless Laplacian Matrix

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KauĂȘ Cardoso
Spectral Theory

In this paper, we study the entries of the principal eigenvector of the signless Laplacian matrix of a hypergraph. More precisely, we obtain bounds for this entries. These bounds are computed trough other important parameters, such as spectral radius, maximum and minimum degree. We also introduce and study a new parameter related to edges of the hypergraph. This parameter is a spectral measure of a structural characteristic that can be thought of as an edge-variant of regular...

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Spectral radius of uniform hypergraphs and degree sequences

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Dongmei Chen, Zhibing Chen, Xiao-Dong Zhang

In this paper, we present several upper bounds for the adjacency and signless Laplacian spectral radii of uniform hypergraphs in terms of degree sequences.

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Spectra of Uniform Hypergraphs

June 23, 2011

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Joshua Cooper, Aaron Dutle
Commutative Algebra
Spectral Theory

We present a spectral theory of hypergraphs that closely parallels Spectral Graph Theory. A number of recent developments building upon classical work has led to a rich understanding of "hyperdeterminants" of hypermatrices, a.k.a. multidimensional arrays. Hyperdeterminants share many properties with determinants, but the context of multilinear algebra is substantially more complicated than the linear algebra required to address Spectral Graph Theory (i.e., ordinary matrices)....

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The least H-eigenvalue of signless Laplacian of non-odd-bipartite hypergraphs

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Yi-Zheng Fan, Jiang-Chao Wan, Yi Wang

Let $G$ be a connected non-odd-bipartite hypergraph with even uniformity. The least H-eigenvalue of the signless Laplacian tensor of $G$ is simply called the least eigenvalue of $G$ and the corresponding H-eigenvectors are called the first eigenvectors of $G$. In this paper we give some numerical and structural properties about the first eigenvectors of $G$ which contains an odd-bipartite branch, and investigate how the least eigenvalue of $G$ changes when an odd-bipartite br...

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Eigenvalues of Non-Regular Linear-Quasirandom Hypergraphs

September 13, 2013

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John Lenz, Dhruv Mubayi

Chung, Graham, and Wilson proved that a graph is quasirandom if and only if there is a large gap between its first and second largest eigenvalue. Recently, the authors extended this characterization to k-uniform hypergraphs, but only for the so-called coregular k-uniform hypergraphs. In this paper, we extend this characterization to all k-uniform hypergraphs, not just the coregular ones. Specifically, we prove that if a k-uniform hypergraph satisfies the correct count of a sp...

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