ID: 1612.08807

Solving Parameterized Polynomial Systems with Decomposable Projections

December 28, 2016

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Carlos Améndola, Julia Lindberg, Jose Israel Rodriguez
Computer Science
Algebraic Geometry
Numerical Analysis
Numerical Analysis

The Galois group of a parameterized polynomial system of equations encodes the structure of the solutions. This monodromy group acts on the set of solutions for a general set of parameters, that is, on the fiber of a projection from the incidence variety of parameters and solutions onto the space of parameters. When this projection is decomposable, the Galois group is imprimitive, and we show that the structure can be exploited for computational improvements. Furthermore, we develop a new algorithm for solving these systems based on a suitable trace test. We illustrate our method on examples in statistics, kinematics, and benchmark problems in computational algebra. In particular, we resolve a conjecture on the number of solutions of the moment system associated to a mixture of Gaussian distributions.

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Multiprojective witness sets and a trace test

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Algebraic Geometry

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Solving Decomposable Sparse Systems

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Numerical Analysis

Amendola et al. proposed a method for solving systems of polynomial equations lying in a family which exploits a recursive decomposition into smaller systems. A family of systems admits such a decomposition if and only if the corresponding Galois group is imprimitive. When the Galois group is imprimitive we consider the problem of computing an explicit decomposition. A consequence of Esterov's classification of sparse polynomial systems with imprimitive Galois groups is that ...

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Using monodromy to statistically estimate the number of solutions

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Numerical Analysis

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Paramotopy: Parameter homotopies in parallel

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84% Match
Daniel J. Bates, Danielle Brake, Matthew Niemerg
Algebraic Geometry

Numerical algebraic geometry provides a number of efficient tools for approximating the solutions of polynomial systems. One such tool is the parameter homotopy, which can be an extremely efficient method to solve numerous polynomial systems that differ only in coefficients, not monomials. This technique is frequently used for solving a parameterized family of polynomial systems at multiple parameter values. Parameter homotopies have recently been useful in several areas of a...

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Timothy Duff, Anton Leykin, Jose Israel Rodriguez
Algebraic Geometry
Numerical Analysis
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We develop a new method that improves the efficiency of equation-by-equation algorithms for solving polynomial systems. Our method is based on a novel geometric construction, and reduces the total number of homotopy paths that must be numerically continued. These improvements may be applied to the basic algorithms of numerical algebraic geometry in the settings of both projective and multiprojective varieties. Our computational experiments demonstrate significant savings obta...

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Numerical computation of Galois groups

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