ID: 1612.08807

Solving Parameterized Polynomial Systems with Decomposable Projections

December 28, 2016

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Galois/monodromy groups for decomposing minimal problems in 3D reconstruction

May 10, 2021

84% Match
Timothy Duff, Viktor Korotynskiy, ... , Regan Margaret H.
Algebraic Geometry
Computer Vision and Pattern ...
Numerical Analysis
Numerical Analysis

We consider Galois/monodromy groups arising in computer vision applications, with a view towards building more efficient polynomial solvers. The Galois/monodromy group allows us to decide when a given problem decomposes into algebraic subproblems, and whether or not it has any symmetries. Tools from numerical algebraic geometry and computational group theory allow us to apply this framework to classical and novel reconstruction problems. We consider three classical cases--3-p...

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Robust Numerical Algebraic Geometry

March 27, 2024

84% Match
Emma R. Cobian, Jonathan D. Hauenstein, Charles W. Wampler
Numerical Analysis
Numerical Analysis

The field of numerical algebraic geometry consists of algorithms for numerically solving systems of polynomial equations. When the system is exact, such as having rational coefficients, the solution set is well-defined. However, for a member of a parameterized family of polynomial systems where the parameter values may be measured with imprecision or arise from prior numerical computations, uncertainty may arise in the structure of the solution set, including the number of is...

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Finite Field Experiments (with an Appendix by Stefan Wiedmann)

October 23, 2007

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Hans-Christian Graf v. Bothmer
Algebraic Geometry

We explain how to use computer experiments over finite fields to gain heuristic information about the solution set of polynomial equations in characteristic zero. These are notes of a tutorial I gave at the NATO Advanced Study Institute on Higher-Dimensional Geometry over Finite Fields in G"ottingen 2007.

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Estimating Gaussian mixtures using sparse polynomial moment systems

June 29, 2021

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Julia Lindberg, Carlos Améndola, Jose Israel Rodriguez
Algebraic Geometry
Statistics Theory
Statistics Theory

The method of moments is a statistical technique for density estimation that solves a system of moment equations to estimate the parameters of an unknown distribution. A fundamental question critical to understanding identifiability asks how many moment equations are needed to get finitely many solutions and how many solutions there are. We answer this question for classes of Gaussian mixture models using the tools of polyhedral geometry. Using these results, we present an al...

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Algebraic statistical models

March 20, 2007

84% Match
Mathias Drton, Seth Sullivant
Statistics Theory
Statistics Theory

Many statistical models are algebraic in that they are defined in terms of polynomial constraints, or in terms of polynomial or rational parametrizations. The parameter spaces of such models are typically semi-algebraic subsets of the parameter space of a reference model with nice properties, such as for example a regular exponential family. This observation leads to the definition of an `algebraic exponential family'. This new definition provides a unified framework for the ...

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A note on Solving Parametric Polynomial Systems

May 24, 2011

83% Match
Asieh Pourhaghani
Symbolic Computation

Lazard and Rouillier in [9], by introducing the concept of discriminant variety, have described a new and efficient algorithm for solving parametric polynomial systems. In this paper we modify this algorithm, and we show that with our improvements the output of our algorithm is always minimal and it does not need to compute the radical of ideals.

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Galois Groups in Enumerative Geometry and Applications

August 18, 2021

83% Match
Frank Sottile, Thomas Yahl
Algebraic Geometry

As Jordan observed in 1870, just as univariate polynomials have Galois groups, so do problems in enumerative geometry. Despite this pedigree, the study of Galois groups in enumerative geometry was dormant for a century, with a systematic study only occuring in the past 15 years. We discuss the current directions of this study, including open problems and conjectures.

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Sparse polynomial equations and other enumerative problems whose Galois groups are wreath products

December 19, 2018

83% Match
Alexander Esterov, Lionel Lang
Algebraic Geometry

We introduce a new technique to prove connectivity of subsets of covering spaces (so called inductive connectivity), and apply it to Galois theory of problems of enumerative geometry. As a model example, consider the problem of permuting the roots of a complex polynomial $f(x) = c_0 + c_1 x^{d_1} + \ldots + c_k x^{d_k}$ by varying its coefficients. If the GCD of the exponents is $d$, then the polynomial admits the change of variable $y=x^d$, and its roots split into necklaces...

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Solving Degenerate Sparse Polynomial Systems Faster

September 14, 1998

83% Match
J. Maurice Rojas
Algebraic Geometry
Computational Complexity
Numerical Analysis
Numerical Analysis

Consider a system F of n polynomial equations in n unknowns, over an algebraically closed field of arbitrary characteristic. We present a fast method to find a point in every irreducible component of the zero set Z of F. Our techniques allow us to sharpen and lower prior complexity bounds for this problem by fully taking into account the monomial term structure. As a corollary of our development we also obtain new explicit formulae for the exact number of isolated roots of F ...

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Sparse trace tests

January 12, 2022

83% Match
Taylor Brysiewicz, Michael Burr
Algebraic Geometry
Symbolic Computation

We establish how the coefficients of a sparse polynomial system influence the sum (or the trace) of its zeros. As an application, we develop numerical tests for verifying whether a set of solutions to a sparse system is complete. These algorithms extend the classical trace test in numerical algebraic geometry. Our results rely on both the analysis of the structure of sparse resultants as well as an extension of Esterov's results on monodromy groups of sparse systems.

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