February 5, 2017
Similar papers 2
March 12, 2013
The stochastic block model (SBM) is a mixture model used for the clustering of nodes in networks. It has now been employed for more than a decade to analyze very different types of networks in many scientific fields such as Biology and social sciences. Because of conditional dependency, there is no analytical expression for the posterior distribution over the latent variables, given the data and model parameters. Therefore, approximation strategies, based on variational techn...
March 1, 2019
There have been rapid developments in model-based clustering of graphs, also known as block modelling, over the last ten years or so. We review different approaches and extensions proposed for different aspects in this area, such as the type of the graph, the clustering approach, the inference approach, and whether the number of groups is selected or estimated. We also review models that combine block modelling with topic modelling and/or longitudinal modelling, regarding how...
July 25, 2017
Dynamic networks, especially those representing social networks, undergo constant evolution of their community structure over time. Nodes can migrate between different communities, communities can split into multiple new communities, communities can merge together, etc. In order to represent dynamic networks with evolving communities it is essential to use a dynamic model rather than a static one. Here we use a dynamic stochastic block model where the underlying block model i...
May 19, 2022
A popular approach to model interactions is to represent them as a network with nodes being the agents and the interactions being the edges. Interactions are often timestamped, which leads to having timestamped edges. Many real-world temporal networks have a recurrent or possibly cyclic behaviour. For example, social network activity may be heightened during certain hours of day. In this paper, our main interest is to model recurrent activity in such temporal networks. As a s...
May 25, 2017
A nonparametric approach to the modeling of social networks using degree-corrected stochastic blockmodels is proposed. The model for static network consists of a stochastic blockmodel using a probit regression formulation and popularity parameters are incorporated to account for degree heterogeneity. Dirichlet processes are used to detect community structure as well as induce clustering in the popularity parameters. This approach is flexible yet parsimonious as it allows the ...
May 19, 2020
Mixture models are probabilistic models aimed at uncovering and representing latent subgroups within a population. In the realm of network data analysis, the latent subgroups of nodes are typically identified by their connectivity behaviour, with nodes behaving similarly belonging to the same community. In this context, mixture modelling is pursued through stochastic blockmodelling. We consider stochastic blockmodels and some of their variants and extensions from a mixture mo...
January 28, 2019
We propose a new dynamic stochastic blockmodel that focuses on the analysis of interaction lengths in networks. The model does not rely on a discretization of the time dimension and may be used to analyze networks that evolve continuously over time. The framework relies on a clustering structure on the nodes, whereby two nodes belonging to the same latent group tend to create interactions and non-interactions of similar lengths. We introduce a fast variational expectation-max...
December 22, 2015
To model recurrent interaction events in continuous time, an extension of the stochastic block model is proposed where every individual belongs to a latent group and interactions between two individuals follow a conditional inhomogeneous Poisson process with intensity driven by the individuals' latent groups. The model is shown to be identifiable and its estimation is based on a semiparametric variational expectation-maximization algorithm. Two versions of the method are deve...
July 26, 2016
We propose generalizations of a number of standard network models, including the classic random graph, the configuration model, and the stochastic block model, to the case of time-varying networks. We assume that the presence and absence of edges are governed by continuous-time Markov processes with rate parameters that can depend on properties of the nodes. In addition to computing equilibrium properties of these models, we demonstrate their use in data analysis and statisti...
February 24, 2016
Analysis of the topology of a graph, regular or bipartite one, can be done by clustering for regular ones or co-clustering for bipartite ones. The Stochastic Block Model and the Latent Block Model are two models, which are very similar for respectively regular and bipartite graphs, based on probabilistic models. Initially developed for binary graphs, these models have been extended to valued networks with optional covariates on the edges. This paper present a implementation o...