ID: 1702.02544

On product of difference sets for sets of positive density

February 8, 2017

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Alexander Fish
Dynamical Systems
Number Theory

In this paper we prove that given two sets $E_1,E_2 \subset \mathbb{Z}$ of positive density, there exists $k \geq 1$ which is bounded by a number depending only on the densities of $E_1$ and $E_2$ such that $k\mathbb{Z} \subset (E_1-E_1)\cdot(E_2-E_2)$. As a corollary of the main theorem we deduce that if $\alpha,\beta > 0$ then there exist $N_0$ and $d_0$ which depend only on $\alpha$ and $\beta$ such that for every $N \geq N_0$ and $E_1,E_2 \subset \mathbb{Z}_N$ with $|E_1| \geq \alpha N, |E_2| \geq \beta N$ there exists $d \leq d_0$ a divisor of $N$ satisfying $d \, \mathbb{Z}_N \subset (E_1-E_1)\cdot(E_2-E_2)$.

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Product of difference sets of set of primes

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Sayan Goswami
Number Theory

In a recent work \cite{key-11}, A. Fish proved that if $E_{1}$ and $E_{2}$ are two subsets of $\mathbb{Z}$ of positive upper Banach density, then there exists $k\in\mathbb{Z}$ such that $k\cdot\mathbb{Z}\subset\left(E_{1}-E_{1}\right)\cdot\left(E_{2}-E_{2}\right).$ In this article we will show that a similar result is true for the set of primes $\mathbb{P}$ (which has density $0$). We will prove that there exists $k\in\mathbb{N}$ such that $k\cdot\mathbb{N}\subset\left(\mathb...

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A note on the natural density of product sets

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On the density of sumsets and product sets

February 7, 2019

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Norbert Hegyvári, François Hennecart, Péter Pál Pach
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Product-free sets with high density

July 27, 2011

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Par Kurlberg, Jeffrey C. Lagarias, Carl Pomerance
Number Theory

We show that there are sets of integers with asymptotic density arbitrarily close to 1 in which there is no solution to the equation ab=c, with a,b,c in the set. We also consider some natural generalizations, as well as a specific numerical example of a product-free set of integers with asymptotic density greater than 1/2.

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Ilya D. Shkredov
Number Theory

In our paper we study multiplicative properties of difference sets $A-A$ for large sets $A \subseteq \mathbb{Z}/q\mathbb{Z}$ in the case of composite $q$. We obtain a quantitative version of a result of A. Fish about the structure of the product sets $(A-A)(A-A)$. Also, we show that the multiplicative covering number of any difference set is always small.

Multiplicative bases and an Erd\H{o}s problem

February 22, 2016

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Péter Pál Pach, Csaba Sándor
Number Theory

In this paper we investigate how small the density of a multiplicative basis of order $h$ can be in $\{1,2,\dots,n\}$ and in $\mathbb{Z}^+$. Furthermore, a related problem of Erd\H os is also studied: How dense can a set of integers be, if none of them divides the product of $h$ others?

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The maximal density of product-free sets in Z/nZ

November 11, 2011

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Par Kurlberg, Jeffrey C. Lagarias, Carl Pomerance
Number Theory

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The number of rational numbers determined by large sets of integers

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87% Match
Javier Cilleruelo, D. S. Ramana, Olivier Ramare
Number Theory

When $A$ and $B$ are subsets of the integers in $[1,X]$ and $[1,Y]$ respectively, with $|A| \geq \alpha X$ and $|B| \geq \beta X$, we show that the number of rational numbers expressible as $a/b$ with $(a,b)$ in $A \times B$ is $\gg (\alpha \beta)^{1+\epsilon}XY$ for any $\epsilon > 0$, where the implied constant depends on $\epsilon$ alone. We then construct examples that show that this bound cannot in general be improved to $\gg \alpha \beta XY$. We also resolve the natural...

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On sets of integers which are both sum-free and product-free

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Par Kurlberg, Jeffrey C. Lagarias, Carl Pomerance
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A structure theorem for sets of small popular doubling

June 1, 2015

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Przemysław Mazur

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