ID: 1702.07876

Analytical Representations of Divisors of Integers

February 25, 2017

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Krzysztof Maślanka
General Mathematics

Certain analytical expressions which "feel" the divisors of natural numbers are investigated. We show that these expressions encode to some extent the well-known algorithm of the sieve of Eratosthenes. Most part of the text is written in pedagogical style, however some formulas are new.

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An Explicit Formula For The Divisor Function

May 16, 2014

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N. A. Carella
General Mathematics

The details for the construction of an explicit formula for the divisors function d(n) = #{d | n} are formalized in this article. This formula facilitates a unified approach to the investigation of the error terms of the divisor problem and circle problem.

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Cycles and Patterns in the Sieve of Eratosthenes

May 3, 2019

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George Grob, Matthias Schmitt
General Mathematics

We describe recurring patterns of numbers that survive each wave of the Sieve of Eratosthenes, including symmetries, uniform subdivisions, and quantifiable, predictive cycles that characterize their distribution across the number line. We generalize these results to numbers that are relatively prime to arbitrary sets of prime numbers and derive additional insights about the distribution of integers counted by Euler's phi-function.

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An integral representation of divisor function. An equation for prime numbers

September 16, 2011

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E. E. Kholupenko
Number Theory

A representation of divisor function $\tau(n)\equiv \sigma_{0}(n)$ by means of logarithmic residue of a function of complex variable is suggested. This representation may be useful theoretical instrument for further investigations of properties of natural numbers.

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Rapidly Convergent Series of the Divisors Functions

July 28, 2014

86% Match
N. A. Carella
General Mathematics

This note gives a few rapidly convergent series representations of the sums of divisors functions. These series have various applications such as exact evaluations of some power series, computing estimates and proving the existence results of some special values of the sums of divisors functions.

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Counting primitive subsets and other statistics of the divisor graph of $\{1,2, \ldots n\}$

August 15, 2018

86% Match
Nathan McNew
Number Theory

Let $Q(n)$ denote the count of the primitive subsets of the integers $\{1,2\ldots n\}$. We give a new proof that $Q(n) = \alpha^{(1+o(1))n}$ which allows us to give a good error term and to improve upon the lower bound for the value of this constant $\alpha$. We also show that the method developed can be applied to many similar problems that can be stated in terms of the divisor graph, including other questions about primitive sets, geometric-progression-free sets, and the di...

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The divisor function and divisor problem

August 27, 2013

85% Match
Aleksandar Ivić
Number Theory

The purpose of this text is twofold. First we discuss some divisor problems involving Paul Erd\H os (1913-1996), whose centenary of birth is this year. In the second part some recent results on divisor problems are discussed, and their connection with the powers moments of $|\zeta(\frac{1}{2}+it)|$ is pointed out. This is an extended version of the lecture given at the conference ERDOS100 in Budapest, July 1-5, 2013.

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On the asymptotic formulae for some multiplicative functions in short intervals

November 27, 2013

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A. A. Sedunova
Number Theory

In this paper we prove the mean values of some multiplicative functions connected with the divisor function on the short interval of summation.

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The distribution of $\gcd(n,\phi(n))$

February 21, 2024

85% Match
Joshua Stucky
Number Theory

Let $\phi(n)$denote Euler's phi function. We study the distribution of the numbers $gcd(n,\phi(n))$ and their divisors. Our results generalize previous results of Erd\"{o}s and Pollack.

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On arithmetic numbers

June 8, 2012

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Antonio M. Oller-Marcén
Number Theory

An integer $n$ is said to be \textit{arithmetic} if the arithmetic mean of its divisors is an integer. In this paper, using properties of the factorization of values of cyclotomic polynomials, we characterize arithmetic numbers. As an application, in Section 2, we give an interesting characterization of Mersenne numbers.

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On the constant factor in several related asymptotic estimates

May 17, 2017

85% Match
Andreas Weingartner
Number Theory

We establish formulas for the constant factor in several asymptotic estimates related to the distribution of integer and polynomial divisors. The formulas are then used to approximate these factors numerically.

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