ID: 1702.07876

Analytical Representations of Divisors of Integers

February 25, 2017

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Counting numbers in multiplicative sets: Landau versus Ramanujan

October 4, 2011

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Pieter Moree
Number Theory

A set S of integers is said to be multiplicative if for every pair m and n of coprime integers we have that mn is in S iff both m and n are in S. Both Landau and Ramanujan gave approximations to S(x), the number of n<=x that are in S, for specific choices of S. The asymptotical precision of their respective approaches are being compared and related to Euler-Kronecker constants, a generalization of Euler's constant gamma=0.57721566.... This paper claims little originality, its...

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Divisor and Totient Functions Estimates

June 23, 2008

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N. A. Carella
Number Theory
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New unconditional estimates of the divisor and totient functions are contributed to the literature. These results are consistent with the Riemann hypothesis and seem to solve the Nicolas inequality for all sufficiently large integers.

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Patterns of Primes and Composites from Divisibility Network of Natural Numbers

June 29, 2020

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Abiya Rajans, G. Ambika
General Mathematics
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We present the pattern underlying some of the properties of natural numbers, using the framework of complex networks. The network used is a divisibility network in which each node has a fixed identity as one of the natural numbers and the connections among the nodes are made based on the divisibility pattern among the numbers. We derive analytical expressions for the centrality measures of this network in terms of the floor function and the divisor functions. We validate thes...

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Number-theoretic expressions obtained through analogy between prime factorization and optical interferometry

November 14, 2011

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Gabriel Seiden
Mathematical Physics

Prime factorization is an outstanding problem in arithmetic, with important consequences in a variety of fields, most notably cryptography. Here we employ the intriguing analogy between prime factorization and optical interferometry in order to obtain, for the first time, analytic expressions for closely related functions, including the number of distinct prime factors.

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A Successive Approximation Algorithm for Computing the Divisor Summatory Function

June 15, 2012

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Richard Sladkey
Number Theory

An algorithm is presented to compute isolated values of the divisor summatory function in O(n^(1/3)) time and O (log n) space. The algorithm is elementary and uses a geometric approach of successive approximation combined with coordinate transformation.

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Every integer can be written as a square plus a squarefree

October 28, 2020

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Jorge Urroz
Number Theory

In the paper we can prove that every integer can be written as the sum of two integers, one perfect square and one squarefree. We also establish the asympotic formula for the number of representations of an integer in this form. The result is deeply related with the divisor function. In the course of our study we get an independent result about it. Concretely we are able to deduce a new upper bound for the divisor function valid for any integer and fully explicit.

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Various Arithmetic Functions and their Applications

March 28, 2016

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Octavian Cira, Florentin Smarandache
General Mathematics

Over 300 sequences and many unsolved problems and conjectures related to them are presented herein. These notions, definitions, unsolved problems, questions, theorems corollaries, formulae, conjectures, examples, mathematical criteria, etc. on integer sequences, numbers, quotients, residues, exponents, sieves, pseudo-primes squares cubes factorials, almost primes, mobile periodicals, functions, tables, prime square factorial bases, generalized factorials, generalized palindro...

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On the number of partitions of a number into distinct divisors

February 12, 2024

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Noah Lebowitz-Lockard, Joseph Vandehey
Number Theory

Let $p_{\textrm{dsd}} (n)$ be the number of partitions of $n$ into distinct squarefree divisors of $n$. In this note, we find a lower bound for $p_{\textrm{dsd}} (n)$, as well as a sequence of $n$ for which $p_{\textrm{dsd}} (n)$ is unusually large.

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An improved analytic Method for calculating $\pi(x)$

October 26, 2014

84% Match
Jan Büthe
Number Theory
Numerical Analysis

We present an improved version of the analytic method for calculating $\pi(x)$, the number of prime numbers not exceeding $x$. We implemented this method in cooperation with J. Franke, T. Kleinjung and A. Jost and calculated the value $\pi(10^{25})$.

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An Exact Formula for the Prime Counting Function

May 24, 2019

84% Match
Jose Risomar Sousa
General Mathematics

This paper discusses a few main topics in Number Theory, such as the M\"{o}bius function and its generalization, leading up to the derivation of neat power series for the prime counting function, $\pi(x)$, and the prime-power counting function, $J(x)$. Among its main findings, we can cite the extremely useful inversion formula for Dirichlet series (given $F_a(s)$, we know $a(n)$, which implies the Riemann hypothesis, and enabled the creation of a formula for $\pi(x)$ in the f...

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