ID: 1703.09549

Variations on the sum-product problem II

March 28, 2017

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On the few products, many sums problem

December 1, 2017

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Brendan Murphy, Misha Rudnev, ... , Shteinikov Yurii N.

We prove new results on additive properties of finite sets $A$ with small multiplicative doubling $|AA|\leq M|A|$ in the category of real/complex sets as well as multiplicative subgroups in the prime residue field. The improvements are based on new combinatorial lemmata, which may be of independent interest. Our main results are the inequality $$ |A-A|^3|AA|^5 \gtrsim |A|^{10}, $$ over the reals, "redistributing" the exponents in the textbook Elekes sum-product inequality a...

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On the size of the set $AA+A$

January 31, 2018

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Oliver Roche-Newton, Imre Z. Ruzsa, ... , Shkredov Ilya D.

It is established that there exists an absolute constant $c>0$ such that for any finite set $A$ of positive real numbers $$|AA+A| \gg |A|^{\frac{3}{2}+c}.$$ On the other hand, we give an explicit construction of a finite set $A \subset \mathbb R$ such that $|AA+A|=o(|A|^2)$, disproving a conjecture of Balog.

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An improved bound for the size of the set $A/A+A$

October 25, 2018

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Oliver Roche-Newton

It is established that for any finite set of positive real numbers $A$, we have $$|A/A+A| \gg \frac{|A|^{\frac{3}{2}+\frac{1}{26}}}{\log^{1/2}|A|}.$$

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If $(A+A)/(A+A)$ is small then the ratio set is large

July 28, 2015

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Oliver Roche-Newton
Number Theory

In this paper, we consider the sum-product problem of obtaining lower bounds for the size of the set $$\frac{A+A}{A+A}:=\left \{ \frac{a+b}{c+d} : a,b,c,d \in A, c+d \neq 0 \right\},$$ for an arbitrary finite set $A$ of real numbers. The main result is the bound $$\left| \frac{A+A}{A+A} \right| \gg \frac{|A|^{2+\frac{2}{25}}}{|A:A|^{\frac{1}{25}}\log |A|},$$ where $A:A$ denotes the ratio set of $A$. This improves on a result of Balog and the author (arXiv:1402.5775), provid...

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Brandon Hanson, Misha Rudnev, ... , Zhelezov Dmitrii
Number Theory

It was asked by E. Szemer\'edi if, for a finite set $A\subset\mathbb{Z}$, one can improve estimates for $\max\{|A+A|,|A\cdot A|\}$, under the constraint that all integers involved have a bounded number of prime factors -- that is, each $a\in A$ satisfies $\omega(a)\leq k$. In this paper, answer Szemer\'edi's question in the affirmative by showing that this maximum is of order $|A|^{\frac{5}{3}-o(1)}$ provided $k\leq (\log|A|)^{1-\epsilon}$ for some $\epsilon>0$. In fact, this...

Sums and Products of Distinct Sets and Distinct Elements in $\mathbb{C}$

February 20, 2009

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Karsten Chipeniuk
Number Theory

Let $A$ and $B$ be finite subsets of $\mathbb{C}$ such that $|B|=C|A|$. We show the following variant of the sum product phenomenon: If $|AB|<\alpha|A|$ and $\alpha \ll \log |A|$, then $|kA+lB|\gg |A|^k|B|^l$. This is an application of a result of Evertse, Schlickewei, and Schmidt on linear equations with variables taking values in multiplicative groups of finite rank, in combination with an earlier theorem of Ruzsa about sumsets in $\mathbb{R}^d$. As an application of the ca...

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k-fold sums from a set with few products

April 4, 2009

88% Match
Ernie Croot, Derrick Hart
Number Theory

In the present paper we show that if A is a set of n real numbers, and the product set A.A has at most n^(1+c) elements, then the k-fold sumset kA has at least n^(log(k/2)/2 log 2 + 1/2 - f_k(c)) elements, where f_k(c) -> 0 as c -> 0. We believe that the methods in this paper might lead to a much stronger result; indeed, using a result of Trevor Wooley on Vinogradov's Mean Value Theorem and the Tarry-Escott Problem, we show that if |A.A| < n^(1+c), then |k(A.A)| > n^(Omega((k...

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An improved bound on the sum-product estimate in $\mathbb{F}_{p}$

December 9, 2020

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Connor Paul Wilson
Number Theory

We give an improved bound on the famed sum-product estimate in a field of residue class modulo $p$ ($\mathbb{F}_{p}$) by Erd\H{o}s and Szemeredi, and a non-empty set $A \subset \mathbb{F}_{p}$ such that: $$ \max \{|A+A|,|A A|\} \gg \min \left\{\frac{|A|^{15 / 14} \max \left\{1,|A|^{1 / 7} p^{-1 / 14}\right\}}{(\log |A|)^{2 / 7}}, \frac{|A|^{11 / 12} p^{1 / 12}}{(\log |A|)^{1 / 3}}\right\}, $$ and more importantly: $$\max \{|A+A|,|A A|\} \gg \frac{|A|^{15 / 14}}{(\log |A|)^{2 ...

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Improved bounds on the set A(A+1)

May 17, 2012

88% Match
Timothy G. F. Jones, Oliver Roche-Newton

For a subset A of a field F, write A(A + 1) for the set {a(b + 1):a,b\in A}. We establish new estimates on the size of A(A+1) in the case where F is either a finite field of prime order, or the real line. In the finite field case we show that A(A+1) is of cardinality at least C|A|^{57/56-o(1)} for some absolute constant C, so long as |A| < p^{1/2}. In the real case we show that the cardinality is at least C|A|^{24/19-o(1)}. These improve on the previously best-known exponen...

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Asymmetric estimates and the sum-product problems

May 20, 2020

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Boqing Xue
Number Theory

We show two asymmetric estimates, one on the number of collinear triples and the other on that of solutions to $(a_1+a_2)(a_1^{\prime\prime\prime}+a_2^{\prime\prime\prime})=(a_1^\prime+a_2^\prime)(a_1^{\prime\prime}+a_2^{\prime\prime})$. As applications, we improve results on difference-product/division estimates and on Balog-Wooley decomposition: For any finite subset $A$ of $\mathbb{R}$, \[ \max\{|A-A|,|AA|\} \gtrsim |A|^{1+105/347},\quad \max\{|A-A|,|A/A|\} \gtrsim |A|^{1+...

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