March 31, 2017
Let n be a non-null positive integer and $d(n)$ is the number of positive divisors of n, called the divisor function. Of course, $d(n) \leq n$. $d(n) = 1$ if and only if $n = 1$. For $n > 2$ we have $d(n) \geq 2$ and in this paper we try to find the smallest $k$ such that $d(d(...d(n)...)) = 2$ where the divisor function is applied $k$ times. At the end of the paper we make a conjecture based on some observations.
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The main result of this thesis is to show that there are only finitely many integers $n$ such that both $n$ and $d(n)$ are highly composite numbers at the same time, where $d(n)$ is the divisor function. Bertrand's postulate [4] is used many times throughout the thesis and allows us to write a proof that is as simple (and as short) as possible. This thesis is meant to solve the open problem from the ``On-Line Encyclopedia of Integer Sequences" (OEIS): A189394 [3]. The main ...
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We introduce and study the recursive divisor function, a recursive analog of the usual divisor function: $\kappa_x(n) = n^x + \sum_{d\lfloor n} \kappa_x(d)$, where the sum is over the proper divisors of $n$. We give a geometrical interpretation of $\kappa_x(n)$, which we use to derive a relation between $\kappa_x(n)$ and $\kappa_0(n)$. For $x \geq 2$, we observe that $\kappa_x(n)/n^x < 1/(2-\zeta(x))$. We show that, for $n \geq 2$, $\kappa_0(n)$ is twice the number of ordered...
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The details for the construction of an explicit formula for the divisors function d(n) = #{d | n} are formalized in this article. This formula facilitates a unified approach to the investigation of the error terms of the divisor problem and circle problem.