ID: 1705.05719

Refined Tropicalizations for Sch\"on Subvarieties of Tori

May 16, 2017

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Andreas Gross
Algebraic Geometry

We introduce a relative refined $\chi_y$-genus for sch\"on subvarieties of algebraic tori. These are rational functions of degree minus the codimension with coefficients in the ring of lattice polytopes. We prove that the relative refined $\chi_y$ turns sufficiently generic intersections into products, and that we can recover the ordinary $\chi_y$-genus by counting lattice points. Applying the tropical Chern character to the relative refined $\chi_y$-genus we obtain a refined tropicalization which is a tropical cycle having rational functions with $\mathbb Q$-coefficients as weights. We prove that the top-dimensional component of the refined tropicalization specializes to the unrefined tropicalization up to sign when setting $y=0$ and show that we can recover the $\chi_y$-genus by integrating the refined tropicalization with respect to a Todd measure.

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Cohomologically tropical varieties

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Edvard Aksnes, Omid Amini, ... , Shaw Kris
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A Tropical Toolkit

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Algebraic Geometry

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A guide to tropicalizations

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Algebraic Geometry

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Monodromy Filtrations and the Topology of Tropical Varieties

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Lifting tropical intersections

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Alexander Esterov
Algebraic Geometry

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Local Tropicalization

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