ID: 1705.05719

Refined Tropicalizations for Sch\"on Subvarieties of Tori

May 16, 2017

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Lefschetz section theorems for tropical hypersurfaces

July 15, 2019

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Charles Arnal, Arthur Renaudineau, Kristin Shaw
Algebraic Geometry

We establish variants of the Lefschetz hyperplane section theorem for the integral tropical homology groups of tropical hypersurfaces of toric varieties. It follows from these theorems that the integral tropical homology groups of non-singular tropical hypersurfaces which are compact or contained in $\mathbb{R}^n$ are torsion free. We prove a relationship between the coefficients of the $\chi_y$ genera of complex hypersurfaces in toric varieties and Euler characteristics of t...

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Intersection Theory on Tropicalizations of Toroidal Embeddings

October 15, 2015

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Andreas Gross
Algebraic Geometry

We show how to equip the cone complexes of toroidal embeddings with additional structure that allows to define a balancing condition for weighted subcomplexes. We then proceed to develop the foundations of an intersection theory on cone complexes including push-forwards, intersections with tropical divisors, and rational equivalence. These constructions are shown to have an algebraic interpretation: Ulirsch's tropicalizations of subvarieties of toroidal embeddings carry natur...

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Tropical intersection products on smooth varieties

April 17, 2009

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Lars Allermann
Algebraic Geometry

In analogy to chapter 9 of arXiv:0709.3705 we define an intersection product of tropical cycles on tropical linear spaces L^n_k, i.e. on tropical fans of the type max{0,x_1,...,x_n}^(n-k)*R^n. Afterwards we use this result to obtain an intersection product of cycles on every smooth tropical variety, i.e. on every tropical variety that arises from gluing such tropical linear spaces. In contrast to classical algebraic geometry these products always yield well-defined cycles, no...

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Refined curve counting with tropical geometry

July 10, 2014

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Florian Block, Lothar Göttsche
Algebraic Geometry

The Severi degree is the degree of the Severi variety parametrizing plane curves of degree d with delta nodes. Recently, G\"ottsche and Shende gave two refinements of Severi degrees, polynomials in a variable y, which are conjecturally equal, for large d. At y = 1, one of the refinements, the relative Severi degree, specializes to the (non-relative) Severi degree. We give a tropical description of the refined Severi degrees, in terms of a refined tropical curve count for al...

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Motivic Volumes of Fibers of Tropicalization

May 22, 2018

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Jeremy Usatine
Algebraic Geometry

Let $T$ be an algebraic torus over an algebraically closed field, let $X$ be a smooth closed subvariety of a $T$-toric variety such that $U = X \cap T$ is not empty, and let $\mathscr{L}(X)$ be the arc scheme of $X$. We define a tropicalization map on $\mathscr{L}(X) \setminus \mathscr{L}(X \setminus U)$, the set of arcs of $X$ that do not factor through $X \setminus U$. We show that each fiber of this tropicalization map is a constructible subset of $\mathscr{L}(X)$ and ther...

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Intersection Theory on Linear Subvarieties of Toric Varieties

December 2, 2013

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Andreas Gross
Algebraic Geometry

We give a complete description of the cohomology ring $A^*(\overline Z)$ of a compactification of a linear subvariety $Z$ of a torus in a smooth toric variety whose fan $\Sigma$ is supported on the tropicalization of $Z$. It turns out that cocycles on $\overline Z$ canonically correspond to Minkowski weights on $\Sigma$ and that the cup product is described by the intersection product on the tropical matroid variety $\operatorname{Trop}(Z)$.

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A tropical characterization of algebraic subvarieties of toric varieties over non-archimedean fields

June 17, 2017

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Ryota Mikami
Algebraic Geometry

We study the tropicalizations of analytic subvarieties of normal toric varieties over complete non-archimedean valuation fields. We show that a Zariski closed analytic subvariety of a normal toric variety is algebraic if its tropicalization is a finite union of polyhedra. Previously, the converse direction was known by the theorem of Bieri and Groves. Over the field of complex numbers, Madani, L. Nisse, and M. Nisse proved similar results for analytic subvarieties of tori.

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Tropical Intersection Theory from Toric Varieties

July 15, 2009

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Eric Katz
Algebraic Geometry

We apply ideas from intersection theory on toric varieties to tropical intersection theory. We introduce mixed Minkowski weights on toric varieties which interpolate between equivariant and ordinary Chow cohomology classes on complete toric varieties. These objects fit into the framework of tropical intersection theory developed by Allermann and Rau. Standard facts about intersection theory on toric varieties are applied to show that the definitions of tropical intersection p...

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Tropical schemes, tropical cycles, and valuated matroids

January 19, 2014

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Diane Maclagan, Felipe Rincón
Algebraic Geometry

We show that the weights on a tropical variety can be recovered from the tropical scheme structure proposed by the Giansiracusas in arXiv:1308.0042, so there is a well-defined Hilbert-Chow morphism from a tropical scheme to the underlying tropical cycle. For a subscheme of projective space given by a homogeneous ideal I we show that this tropical scheme structure contains the same information as the set of valuated matroids of the vector spaces I_d for d \geq 0. We also give ...

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Tropical cycles and Chow polytopes

January 26, 2010

82% Match
Alex Fink
Algebraic Geometry

The Chow polytope of an algebraic cycle in a torus depends only on its tropicalisation. Generalising this, we associate a Chow polytope to any abstract tropical variety in a tropicalised toric variety. Several significant polyhedra associated to tropical varieties are special cases of our Chow polytope. The Chow polytope of a tropical variety $X$ is given by a simple combinatorial construction: its normal subdivision is the Minkowski sum of $X$ and a reflected skeleton of the...

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