December 26, 2017
We obtain a new upper bound for binary sums with multiplicative characters over variables belong to some sets, having small additive doubling.
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In the paper we obtain new estimates for binary and ternary sums of multiplicative characters with additive convolutions of characteristic functions of sets, having small additive doubling. In particular, we improve a result of M.-C. Chang. The proof uses Croot-Sisask almost periodicity lemma.
March 23, 2018
We obtain a new bound on certain double sums of multiplicative characters improving the range of several previous results. This improvement comes from new bounds on the number of collinear triples in finite fields, which is a classical object of study of additive combinatorics.
April 4, 2020
We prove new bounds for sums of multiplicative characters over sums of set with small doubling and applying this result we break the square--root barrier in a problem of Balog concerning products of differences in a field of prime order.
August 22, 2013
We obtain a new bound of certain double multiplicative character sums. We use this bound together with some other previously obtained results to obtain new algorithms for finding roots of polynomials modulo a prime $p$.
October 4, 2016
We improve a recent result of B. Hanson (2015) on multiplicative character sums with expressions of the type $a + b +cd$ and variables $a,b,c,d$ from four distinct sets of a finite field. We also consider similar sums with $a + b(c+d)$. These bounds rely on some recent advances in additive combinatorics.
September 2, 2013
We obtain new bounds of multivariate exponential sums with monomials, when the variables run over rather short intervals. Furthermore, we use the same method to derive estimates on similar sums with multiplicative characters to which previously known methods do not apply. In particular, in the multiplicative characters modulo a prime $p$ we break the barrier of $p^{1/4}$ for ranges of individual variables.
November 27, 2020
We study additive double character sums over two subsets of a finite field. We show that if there is a suitable rational self-map of small degree of a set $D$, then this set contains a large subset $U$ for which the standard bound on the absolute value of the character sum over $U$ and any subset $C$ (which satisfies some restrictions on its size $|C|$) can be improved. Examples of such suitable self-maps are inversion and squaring. Then we apply this new bound to trace produ...
January 26, 2014
We estimate double sums $$ S_\chi(a, I, G) = \sum_{x \in I} \sum_{\lambda \in G} \chi(x + a\lambda), \qquad 1\le a < p-1, $$ with a multiplicative character $\chi$ modulo $p$ where $I= \{1,\ldots, H\}$ and $G$ is a subgroup of order $T$ of the multiplicative group of the finite field of $p$ elements. A nontrivial upper bound on $S_\chi(a, I, G)$ can be derived from the Burgess bound if $H \ge p^{1/4+\varepsilon}$ and from some standard elementary arguments if $T \ge p^{1/2+\v...
April 24, 2012
We are discussing the theorem about the volume of a set $A$ of $Z^n$ having a small doubling property $|2A| < Ck, k=|A|$ and oher problems of Structure Theory of Set Addition (Additive Combinatorics).
March 11, 2007
Let G be an arbitrary Abelian group and let A be a finite subset of G. A has small additive doubling if |A+A| < K|A| for some K>0. These sets were studied in papers of G.A. Freiman, Y. Bilu, I. Ruzsa, M.C.--Chang, B. Green and T.Tao. In the article we prove that if we have some minor restrictions on K then for any set with small doubling there exists a set Lambda, |Lambda| << K log |A| such that |A\cap Lambda| >> |A| / K^{1/2 + c}, where c > 0. In contrast to the previous res...